Friday, December 14, 2012

Positive Attitude - The Key to Success

Your attitude has a direct affect your behavior and therefore directly influences your life. If we talk about workplace, happiness and success they would be considered as major assets. The bigger question today is, that every one knows what is right and what is wrong. But how do you develop and maintain a positive attitude when you are too busy to meet deadlines and sometimes stressful work?

Today I am going to share a few personal views on Attitude. I can offer a number of ways by which you can get yourself motivated to be better.

A few most important techniques are discussed below.

Positive Attitude - The Key to Success

1. Set SMART goals.

I would request all my readers to answer the following questions as:

Where will you plan live 7 years from now and will your life style be better than today or worst? Who will you work for, yourself or for a company and how far will you be able to reach? Where will you plan to take your vacations? Will you be able to match all your plans with action or will their be a GAP and how wide will that be?

Once you have clearly answered yourself of what you want from your life, the next step would be to set measurable goals for yourself. I would define a goal as a specific end result you would want to achieve by a particular point in time. In-fact you will see for yourself that these goals will change your whole attitude towards life. Try to divide your goals into short term, mid term and long term goals for better tracking. Once you would have the end in mind which would be a dream that you are going to live, day-to-day frustrations won't seem as important. Your behavior will begin to reflect in your actions and reinforce in the goals you have set for self.

When we are talking about goals they always have to based on the SMART principle:

S- Specific M-Measurable A-Achievable R-Realistic T-Time bound

Another golden rule for the betterment of life is that you must start working toward your goals immediately, even if you move inch by inch or should I say little it is fine. If you wait until you're completely ready, you may never begin. For example, if you plan to shed a few kilos, just wake up in morning and go for a jog in your jeans. Do not wait for buying tracks for your self as it will delay the whole process and have an effect on your motivation level.

2.Focus on the brighter side of Life and your Job.

Another way to keep your attitude positive is to focus on the positive aspects of your life and work rather than on the aspects that need improvement. If you concentrate on what's good about your work instead of dwelling on what isn't, your behavior will reflect positivity. As a result of which your seniors around you will notice you more, who for sure will prefer you over others with a promotion when ever an opportunity strikes.

3. Stay away from people who have negative influence.

In almost every department or workplace, there is someone who finds fault with the existing company policies and procedures. This person is always unhappy, and often tries to change other staff members to the same way of thinking. Dealing with such people is very simple. Never be passive or aggressive with them. Keep your stance and behave assertively all the times. Maintain your own view point & try to get back to your focused goals. Chances are that you will never fall for his trap.

Remember, your attitude affects your behavior, which is why it's important for you to develop and maintain a positive attitude. As you work to make your attitude consistently positive, you'll find that your behavior will increasingly reflect your new approach to your work life and ultimately help make you more successful. This positive attitude will also throw light upon peers, friends and family members who stay close to you.

Positive Attitude - The Key to Success
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