Sunday, December 9, 2012

Developing Positive Thinking And Healthy Patterns Enhances Your Life

To become successful at any undertaking positive thinking is needed. Learning the skill of positive thinking allows you to be more successful at whatever you want to do.

What you think affects what you do. Your thoughts control your emotions and your emotions control your actions. The words you put into your mind determine what you think. So at the end of the journey words control your actions. Words are extremely powerful.

Becoming a positive thinker does not mean that your go into denial about the problems in your life. It does not mean that you become a "Polly Anna" telling yourself everything is fine and the world is so flowery. It means you learn how to take the negative words you say to yourself and the negative words others say to you and turn them into positive words that add up to positive action.

Developing Positive Thinking And Healthy Patterns Enhances Your Life

If you tell yourself that you are fat and gross, that your clothes look horrible because you are a pig and that no one wants to be with you because you are so ugly and stupid generally that leads to the action of going on a chocolate binge or driving to get some Haagen-Dazs because you just annihilated yourself. Those words are not going to help you at all! They do not add up to positive action.

If you tell yourself instead that you want to lose weight because your clothes do not fit and you want to become more social the action that follows is finding out how to achieve those goals.

Developing new patterns takes time. People do become set in patterns it is just how we are built. Taking advantage of that tendency and learning to take negative words and translate them into positive words is a pattern worth developing. The reward is a more productive and enjoyable life.

The best way to begin learning the skill of positive thinking is to get to know your mind. You want to become aware of just how often you talk to yourself and others in a negative way and what words you use. Journaling is the best way to do that.

You do not have to journal for the rest of your life just long enough to get an awareness of how your mind works and to redirect it to positive thinking. For some people it takes a few weeks for others a few months. You will know when you are ready to cut back on your journaling. You may actually enjoy it and continue to journal to keep a check on your thinking.

Try to keep your journal close by so you can write down information before you forget the exact words you used or thought. Keeping your journal in your purse or in your car when you are out and about is a good plan.

Write down your thoughts and words as well as comments others say to you that hurt you. You can even write letters to yourself or others and not mail them. You do not want to hurt others, just to learn about yourself. This is not the time to tell others how the words they use affect you. Later when you become skilled at using positive words sharing with others will be more productive.

At the end of the night look at your journal. Take the unkind words you said to yourself or that others said to you and turn them into positive words that say the same thing.

If someone said to you, "That is the stupidest outfit I have ever seen! Who dresses you your Ma Ma? No wonder you did not get the job you applied for. Who would hire someone who dresses like a twelve-year-old?"

If you have not learned the skill of turning negative words into positive words you might say to yourself, "I am such a Dork. No wonder no one takes me out. I'm never going to get a job. I am a real loser." And off you go to eat comfort food.

I am going to share a truth with you that should help you deal with people who are mean. They are not happy! Well-balanced happy people have no need to put you down to build themselves up. Once I learned that my world opened up. I was able to focus on the truth or lack of truth they communicated with me. I learned to take unkind peoples information and see if I could benefit from it.

So if I were filling in your positive self- response to the person who told you that you dressed like a twelve-year- old I would first consider the source then ask myself, "Is this person just venting or is there some truth to what they are saying?"

If there was truth I would change the wording to, "Maybe I do need to work on the way I dress. That would be great if dressing better would help me get a job. I wonder how I can learn to dress better?" The action caused by those words would be to start finding a solution to the problem.

Learning positive thinking does take time but so does beating yourself up. Working at learning the skill of positive thinking and developing patterns to use that skill has a much better outcome than continuing the pattern of communicating with yourself and others with negative words. You will be coming up with solutions to your problems instead of focusing on having problems.

By Lynn Hahn

Developing Positive Thinking And Healthy Patterns Enhances Your Life
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My name is Lynn Hahn. I'm certified by the American Council on Exercise as a fitness instructor and a Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant. I'm also a certified Third Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo.

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