Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Right Attitude to Work

Everyone works at some job or another, be it the labourer, the office worker, the professional or even the housewife - and all for different reasons: Some because they have to work, some simply for the pay packet, some because they feel the need for something to do. Wives and mothers feel it is their duty! But not everyone does work for the "love of it".

In all cases, the latter should be their primary motive, for it is the least arduous, less laborious and after all the most rewarding! There is nothing wrong with earning ones pay "enjoying what one is doing".

Positive Attitude

The key to the secret begins with the realisation that everything is a matter of "attitude", which can be best explained that, like everything else, it too is "all in the mind".

The Right Attitude to Work

When one faces work, is confronted with a task, or performs ones household duties, it is advisable "to take pride" in ones accomplishments by doing ones utmost towards best results and a "geared mental attitude" that is unaware of disliking the job but only aware of a product aimed at a perfect finish. With such accomplishment there comes enough joy and satisfaction to last for the right approach next time, another task or another job with like results. And the beginning and end of this is "all in the attitude of the mind"!

No one works well at a task or job he hates, or finds too heavy and cumbersome, or is simply to lazy to even start! Let your mind overcome these "success - stoppers" and reward you with an occupation that is pleasant to do and rewarding with - besides a pay packet - personal pride and satisfaction! Consciously "talk yourself into" that you like what you are doing, take deliberate care of doing it well, and the end result will reward you with a feeling of a "job well done", that it was not so difficult after all, and that you would not "mind doing it again"! This keeps you going with the right attitude for the next and every other task.

Keep also in mind that a happy worker is a more successful worker, easier to get on with and liked by his job mates, his or her family and those are he comes in contact with; and those intrigued by such cheerfulness inclined to follow his or her example.

Remember: A labour of love is better than a job one hates.

The Right Attitude to Work

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