Saturday, June 23, 2012

Are There Alternatives to Insulin Injections For Type 2 Diabetics

Of course there are alternatives to insulin injections but the keywords here are; dedication, perseverance and faith in yourself. It is no easy road to learn to control your sugar levels without the use of both oral or injection drugs but as thousands and thousands of real world examples, testimonials and success stories have shown, it can be done.

What then is the game plan to insulin alternatives? To put is simply, your entire attitude towards food must change and we are not talking about laying off the odd cookie, we are talking about stripping every unnecessary item of junk from your diet and severely restricting the levels of foods that directly affect blood sugar levels.

Positive Attitude

These foods are known as carbohydrates and form pretty much the most common food groups. They are so common that most people are probably eating them and not realizing it. If you are eating anything other than dark green veg (root veg doesn't count), pure protein (meat, cheese, eggs etc) and fats and oils, then the chances are, they contain carbohydrates.

Are There Alternatives to Insulin Injections For Type 2 Diabetics

Forget the whole low glycemic approach as well, carbohydrates are carbohydrates period. Of course, any low glycemic carbohydrates such as nuts, oats, pulses and whole grains, will go a long way to keeping your levels down but they will still raise blood sugar levels regardless. It is just that low glycemic foods convert to glucose much slower so that your body will have a fighting chance at combating them.

All in all, a diet with little or no carbohydrates will show a massive improvement on blood sugar control but it doesn't stop there.

The eradication of bad fats; trans fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are among the worst of the bunch. Stick to natural plant oils, avocado, olive, walnut, macadamia, coconut, flax seed and even to an extent saturated fats such as pure butter or animal lard. your body can deal with these much better and it will also use them not only for fuel but will also use them for cellular rebuilding. Fats are important, do not underestimate both their positive effects and harmful potential.

The true weapon and turning point of finding alternatives to insulin injections is reading the contents of packaging. This sounds menial but it is of immense value to the type 2 diabetic. Knowledge is the key to recovery.

Are There Alternatives to Insulin Injections For Type 2 Diabetics

To find alternatives to insulin injections visit http://www.type2diabetesreversal for key articles on reversing type 2 diabetes through nutrition.

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