Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Encourage Creative Thinking in Children Using Visual Art Supplies

I have a firm belief that everyone is born with creative abilities. My experience is that many people who are not aware of their creative abilities do not understand what creativity is. Unfortunately many people were not encouraged to develop their creative abilities when they were children. This is one way to encourage creative thinking in your child.

Recognizing, developing and using our creative abilities is vital. Being able to stretch our thinking to include creative solutions to our problems, creates new brain cells, increases our choices and enhances our coping skills. The best time to learn creative thinking is during our childhood while our brains are growing. Any adult who is involved with children (parents, teachers, Scout leaders) can help children raise their creativity skills.

Coloring books and "cookie-cutter" art (the type of art in which every child makes the same item) discourage creativity. Although coloring books have a time and purpose, when a child is coloring in someone else's creation they are not learning how to create something themselves. There is also a purpose for "cookie cutter" art, however, when doing this the child is learning to follow directions from someone else. Genuine creativity is self directed.

How to Encourage Creative Thinking in Children Using Visual Art Supplies

The most important step is to understand the developmental stages of drawing. Unnecessary criticism from adults diminishes a child's ability to grow creatively. When adults respond negatively to children they will be less likely to repeat the activity. Children begin to enjoy drawing by the time they are old enough to hold a marker and will scribble with the marker. Markers are easier for toddlers to use than crayons and safer than pencils. Adult supervision is necessary to make sure the child draws on paper and does not put the marker in their mouth. A gentle reminder that markers are used on paper will generally suffice. If a child cannot comply with this, put the markers away and try again later. Toddlers enjoy learning to control the marker and are beginning to learn about creativity as they create marks on paper. Praising children for their work ("Look at what you can do!") and putting the work on display will encourage them to continue their efforts.

Gradually, around three to four years of age children realize that lines and shapes actually stand for something and they begin to try to make deliberate representations. It is important to encourage children to continue to explore what they can do with markers and never criticize or change their drawing. Around the age of four children begin to make pictures. Adults can encourage this by recognizing the growth the child has made and expressing their appreciation of it. During this time children will enter a stage called "Named Scribbling" in which they will look at something they have drawn, see a shape that looks like "a bird" or "a frog" and name the scribble as such. Again it is vital to appreciate this creative ability in the child in order to encourage creative growth.

From the age of 9 to about 12 years old children begin to try to make their drawings more realistic. It becomes important to them to try to make their drawings more proportional, to fill the drawing with details, make colors more realistic and learn how to overlap. At this stage children begin to feel frustrated and may ask adults for more help. Those children who have not received adult encouragement may stop drawing. If children do seem interested in being able to draw this is a good time for them to receive some drawing instruction. Drawing is a learned skill.

Clay is another important tool for encouraging creative growth. Adult supervision is vital in order to prevent ingestion and, again, gentle reminders that clay is for making things rather than eating, usually suffice. Allowing the child to make what ever they want to with the clay will allow them to follow and grow in their own creative process. The process with clay is similar to that of drawing and often children will make something, look at it and then decide what it is. Around the age of nine to 12 it is normal for boys to make phallic symbols and is important for adults to be able to accept this with little or no comment.

Paint is another medium that encourages creative expression. School age children will get a great deal of pleasure out of mixing the colors and learn a great deal as they do. Children enjoy watching the colors swirl together and gradually blend. When a child mixes all the colors together and finds that they now have army green or brown they have learned something about color mixing. If they are able to mix with some restraint, with the help of an adult, they will begin to learn color theory. Paint is much more difficult to control than markers or clay. Stiff brushes help children control the paint better.

Problems invariably come up when anyone is trying to create something. Problems are opportunities for creative thinking. It is always best to allow the child to try to solve the problem themselves and praise them when they do so, pointing out how creative they have been. When they ask for help an adult can encourage them by reminding them of other times when they have solved problem's. The adult can also ask the child questions to help the child think of solutions. What is most important is that the adult facilitate the child's creative thinking process, rather than simply solving the problem for the child. Adults can make some suggestions and ask the child for more ideas. Brainstorming for ideas and solutions with children invariably raises their ability to think creatively. Ask children for "silly" ideas. Albert Einstein once said "If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it".

Finally, enjoy doing these activities with your children! It is true that we all learn best when we are relaxed and we are more relaxed when we are enjoying an activity. It follows then that adults need to be able to enjoy doing these activities with their children. Watching children enjoy their creative abilities can be extremely pleasant for adults, as well as educational. Often, adults will find that they have learned a great deal about being creative by watching their children.

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Anne is a Board Certified Registered art therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. Anne has been studying human development and relationships for over 45 years. She has been successfully working with families, in various capacities, for over 20 years. Her private practice is in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia PA. She specializes in helping people recover from various types of trauma, difficult changes and loss. Anne has an unusual ability to connect with children and adolescents, along with their parents. Parenting is the most important job we ever do, yet no one shows us how to do it or gives us the support we need. Anne has successfully coached many parents through a variety of critical stages in their children's lives. Anne's greatest joy is helping people understand themselves and each other.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Personal Appearance And Attitude

Personal appearance is usually defined by the way we groom and dress ourselves and is generally instrumental in other people forming opinions about us. It's obvious therefore that care and attention should be given to how we look in order to make the best impression. In a working environment, there is often a dress code which is, in some cases, obligatory. This situation means the employee has little or no problem in following the code. However, to the ambitious, keen, dedicated person this dress code can present an ideal opportunity to become noticed. Smart, well fitting, well pressed clothing will make a huge difference to how one is judged. Certain industries and professions are quite inflexible concerning dress and insist on company uniforms being worn. Even then it's possible to stand out from the crowd by giving attention to good grooming which will always result in a smart appearance.

If there are no restrictions on the type of clothes you wear at work it is generally easier to make a good impression with your choice of clothing. Care in deciding on the clothes you wear at work make a statement about you, so make the most of the opportunity. Dress sense is a very useful attribute to have, but not everyone possesses it. If you fall into that category follow the dress code used by your colleagues, but always endeavour to be that little bit smarter. This extra attention to detail helps to create a business like appearance.

A person's attitude is extremely important as the wrong one can have a negative affect and spoil their chances of promotion. The wrong attitude can result in someone appearing to be offensive and truculent, giving a completely false impression. Attitude has a lot to do with confidence and can provide the wrong signals to other people. It's not uncommon for a person's attitude to affect their whole performance adversely in a work environment even though they may be good at their job. Recent research has analysed the reasons why certain managers are chosen for redundancy rather than their contemporaries. If you are aware of the main reasons thrown up by this research, obviously you will avoid making the same mistakes. For the benefit of the reader and as a matter of interest we will include them in this section as they refer to attitudes which must be avoided at all costs. It might not stop redundancy, but it will certainly help in preventing you from being a prime candidate.

Personal Appearance And Attitude

So here are some of the reasons that are looked on as being unhelpful. (a) Failure to build a team (b) Arrogance (c) Unethical (d) Not trustworthy (e) Poor Administration (f) No strategic thinking (g) Over Managing (h) Tunnel Vision (i) Will not network (j) Inflexibility (k) Defensiveness

Once again we see the need for being practical, helpful, sympathetic and truthful plus being able to spot a problem and have the ability to deal with it. Personal attitude to the job counts for a great deal in how your performance is evaluated, so it is obviously beneficial to develop a positive, constructive and helpful attitude at work. Such an attitude will help you to cope with every singe aspect in the workplace and brings its own rewards and very often leads to promotion.

If you are fortunate enough to have a company car provided, should you look on it as a "perk" that goes with the job? In which case it probably isn't looked after very well, is seldom washed, usually messy inside, has several minor faults, broken lenses, small scratches etc. Surely it is better to look on it as an expensive privilege which comes with the job, one that is worth looking after and of which to be proud? Again this attitude gives an excellent impression if you take care of company property. The same values apply to mobile phones, lap top computers, voice recorders and any other equipment the modern manager uses. Looking after these things as if they were your own and had been paid for by you can only result in positive comments about your attitude. One other place where you can make a good impression is in your office or workplace. We have all seen offices and workplaces where chaos reigns. Desks littered with paper, paper trays overflowing, newspapers and magazines spread around, empty coffee cups lying around, all give the wrong signals. So do filing cabinets with the tops loaded with files and plants in dire need of a drink of water. Clothes hung precariously on bits of furniture also look untidy. All these points paint a picture of inefficiency.

Just imagine how much better the impression if the desks are tidy and the filing cabinets and other furniture are used for the purpose for which they were meant. It doesn't take long to tidy up, particularly if it is done regularly. Once again, if you do it often it becomes a habit. There is a saying in business that 'A tidy desk shows a tidy mind'. Very true!

Most of the above will be seen to be common sense and obvious to most readers, but we make no apology for emphasising them. It is very often a lapse of common sense and neglecting the obvious which lead to bad practices, thus reflecting on the person concerned, so please, very carefully, consider these points. To conclude, remember that a positive appearance and a positive attitude result in a positive impression of you.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Change Your Way of Thinking - It Will Change Your Life!

Do you allow your internal negativity to inhibit your dreams? You know that you can sabotage your dreams of working at home without even realizing that you are doing it.

You dream of working from your home and earning a huge income. Over time, you search for every e-book, training manual and any other information you can possibly find or purchase to help build yourself a profitable and successful business that allows you to work from your home and earn a great income.

You converse with your sponsor, spend hour upon hour studying your training materials and e-books learning the best ways to promote your business, place some ads occasionally, and try to improve the search engine optimization of your website.

Change Your Way of Thinking - It Will Change Your Life!

You still wonder, "Why is this not working? What am I not doing, or doing wrong?"

You see thousands of opportunities on the web every day, and hop from one opportunity to the next, thinking one of them must be the magic money-maker. You lose more money, and you are getting desperate.

Your internal negativity is in control, causing you to believe that you cannot succeed in your home business. It is ruining your confidence in yourself, your ability to have a successful business, and as a result, you don't make much money. You are making yourself believe that you cannot be successful.

If you let your negativity take control, others on your team, your sponsor, your downline, can all sense this. You cannot come across as a leader and a success if you don't let go of your negative attitude. If you don't take control of it, it will destroy your dreams and visions of being a successful work at home entrepreneur!

You must have faith and confidence in yourself to be successful at anything in life, whether it is parenting, your job, your talents, etc. If you let your negative inner instincts take over, you will be a failure in whatever you attempt to accomplish.

Try to think about your negative thoughts and actions, and overcome them. Don't let those negative thoughts take over! Be aware of what is going on, and change your way of thinking to "I CAN do this!". You won't believe the difference in all areas of your life, including your success in a work at home business, if you change your way of thinking into positive actions.
Believe in yourself, think positive thoughts and others will see it too. This will have a great impact on the success in your life!

Put positive thoughts and energy into your work and your life. You will reap many rewards!

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Positive Attitude - The Key to Success

Your attitude has a direct affect your behavior and therefore directly influences your life. If we talk about workplace, happiness and success they would be considered as major assets. The bigger question today is, that every one knows what is right and what is wrong. But how do you develop and maintain a positive attitude when you are too busy to meet deadlines and sometimes stressful work?

Today I am going to share a few personal views on Attitude. I can offer a number of ways by which you can get yourself motivated to be better.

A few most important techniques are discussed below.

Positive Attitude - The Key to Success

1. Set SMART goals.

I would request all my readers to answer the following questions as:

Where will you plan live 7 years from now and will your life style be better than today or worst? Who will you work for, yourself or for a company and how far will you be able to reach? Where will you plan to take your vacations? Will you be able to match all your plans with action or will their be a GAP and how wide will that be?

Once you have clearly answered yourself of what you want from your life, the next step would be to set measurable goals for yourself. I would define a goal as a specific end result you would want to achieve by a particular point in time. In-fact you will see for yourself that these goals will change your whole attitude towards life. Try to divide your goals into short term, mid term and long term goals for better tracking. Once you would have the end in mind which would be a dream that you are going to live, day-to-day frustrations won't seem as important. Your behavior will begin to reflect in your actions and reinforce in the goals you have set for self.

When we are talking about goals they always have to based on the SMART principle:

S- Specific M-Measurable A-Achievable R-Realistic T-Time bound

Another golden rule for the betterment of life is that you must start working toward your goals immediately, even if you move inch by inch or should I say little it is fine. If you wait until you're completely ready, you may never begin. For example, if you plan to shed a few kilos, just wake up in morning and go for a jog in your jeans. Do not wait for buying tracks for your self as it will delay the whole process and have an effect on your motivation level.

2.Focus on the brighter side of Life and your Job.

Another way to keep your attitude positive is to focus on the positive aspects of your life and work rather than on the aspects that need improvement. If you concentrate on what's good about your work instead of dwelling on what isn't, your behavior will reflect positivity. As a result of which your seniors around you will notice you more, who for sure will prefer you over others with a promotion when ever an opportunity strikes.

3. Stay away from people who have negative influence.

In almost every department or workplace, there is someone who finds fault with the existing company policies and procedures. This person is always unhappy, and often tries to change other staff members to the same way of thinking. Dealing with such people is very simple. Never be passive or aggressive with them. Keep your stance and behave assertively all the times. Maintain your own view point & try to get back to your focused goals. Chances are that you will never fall for his trap.

Remember, your attitude affects your behavior, which is why it's important for you to develop and maintain a positive attitude. As you work to make your attitude consistently positive, you'll find that your behavior will increasingly reflect your new approach to your work life and ultimately help make you more successful. This positive attitude will also throw light upon peers, friends and family members who stay close to you.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Developing Positive Thinking And Healthy Patterns Enhances Your Life

To become successful at any undertaking positive thinking is needed. Learning the skill of positive thinking allows you to be more successful at whatever you want to do.

What you think affects what you do. Your thoughts control your emotions and your emotions control your actions. The words you put into your mind determine what you think. So at the end of the journey words control your actions. Words are extremely powerful.

Becoming a positive thinker does not mean that your go into denial about the problems in your life. It does not mean that you become a "Polly Anna" telling yourself everything is fine and the world is so flowery. It means you learn how to take the negative words you say to yourself and the negative words others say to you and turn them into positive words that add up to positive action.

Developing Positive Thinking And Healthy Patterns Enhances Your Life

If you tell yourself that you are fat and gross, that your clothes look horrible because you are a pig and that no one wants to be with you because you are so ugly and stupid generally that leads to the action of going on a chocolate binge or driving to get some Haagen-Dazs because you just annihilated yourself. Those words are not going to help you at all! They do not add up to positive action.

If you tell yourself instead that you want to lose weight because your clothes do not fit and you want to become more social the action that follows is finding out how to achieve those goals.

Developing new patterns takes time. People do become set in patterns it is just how we are built. Taking advantage of that tendency and learning to take negative words and translate them into positive words is a pattern worth developing. The reward is a more productive and enjoyable life.

The best way to begin learning the skill of positive thinking is to get to know your mind. You want to become aware of just how often you talk to yourself and others in a negative way and what words you use. Journaling is the best way to do that.

You do not have to journal for the rest of your life just long enough to get an awareness of how your mind works and to redirect it to positive thinking. For some people it takes a few weeks for others a few months. You will know when you are ready to cut back on your journaling. You may actually enjoy it and continue to journal to keep a check on your thinking.

Try to keep your journal close by so you can write down information before you forget the exact words you used or thought. Keeping your journal in your purse or in your car when you are out and about is a good plan.

Write down your thoughts and words as well as comments others say to you that hurt you. You can even write letters to yourself or others and not mail them. You do not want to hurt others, just to learn about yourself. This is not the time to tell others how the words they use affect you. Later when you become skilled at using positive words sharing with others will be more productive.

At the end of the night look at your journal. Take the unkind words you said to yourself or that others said to you and turn them into positive words that say the same thing.

If someone said to you, "That is the stupidest outfit I have ever seen! Who dresses you your Ma Ma? No wonder you did not get the job you applied for. Who would hire someone who dresses like a twelve-year-old?"

If you have not learned the skill of turning negative words into positive words you might say to yourself, "I am such a Dork. No wonder no one takes me out. I'm never going to get a job. I am a real loser." And off you go to eat comfort food.

I am going to share a truth with you that should help you deal with people who are mean. They are not happy! Well-balanced happy people have no need to put you down to build themselves up. Once I learned that my world opened up. I was able to focus on the truth or lack of truth they communicated with me. I learned to take unkind peoples information and see if I could benefit from it.

So if I were filling in your positive self- response to the person who told you that you dressed like a twelve-year- old I would first consider the source then ask myself, "Is this person just venting or is there some truth to what they are saying?"

If there was truth I would change the wording to, "Maybe I do need to work on the way I dress. That would be great if dressing better would help me get a job. I wonder how I can learn to dress better?" The action caused by those words would be to start finding a solution to the problem.

Learning positive thinking does take time but so does beating yourself up. Working at learning the skill of positive thinking and developing patterns to use that skill has a much better outcome than continuing the pattern of communicating with yourself and others with negative words. You will be coming up with solutions to your problems instead of focusing on having problems.

By Lynn Hahn

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Positive Aging - Six Things to Start Doing When You Turn 60 (Besides Celebrate!)

I love my birthday. Always have. I guess that's because I love to celebrate, and because it's my own special day of the year. It also helps that I share my birthday with my adored Grandma Alcorn who was a human dynamo and lived to the spritely age of 95.

Each new decade seems like the beginning of the next grand adventure. At 30, I was newly arrived in New York City and starting a career in marketing and public relations. Forty found me just married, taking on two pre-adolescent stepsons, and starting another career in television production. At 50, I was awakening to the idea that I didn't have to kill myself to make a good living, and embarked on my current career as a retirement coach.

So, imagine my shock when a week before my big 6-0, I fell into a great, big, dark funk. I spent three awful days thinking that I was just 20, and soon I'd be 60, and where did the last 40 years go? What did I have to show for it? Certainly the days ahead of me are a lot fewer than the days behind me, and so on and so on.

Positive Aging - Six Things to Start Doing When You Turn 60 (Besides Celebrate!)

On the fourth day, I decided to snap out of it. I focused my attention on all the many blessings I have in my life, to the countless things I've accomplished over the years, and to the hopes and dreams I have for the future.

If you're one of the approximately 13,680 people who are turning sixty every day and you find yourself panicking, I invite you to take stock of your life, redefine your priorities, and begin to each day:

1. Take Really Good Care of Yourself. You only have one body, and even if you've taken pretty good care of it, by 60 it's beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

Have you been on a diet most of your life? Not exercising regularly? Not getting enough sleep? Are you stressed out? Now is the time to relax, regroup, and try some new ways of being. You don't have to do it all at once, and you don't have to do it perfectly. Try the 15-minute rule.

How much sleep do you need to operate at your best? Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier, and when that becomes natural, back it up another 15 minutes until you're getting the rest your body craves.

What helps you de-stress? A walk in nature? Deep breathing? Yoga? Sitting and doing nothing? Fifteen (or even 5 or 10) minutes will help. Try it.

And, forget dieting. You know your ideal body weight, and no, it's not the weight you were at 18. Hold that weight as your goal, and then take small steps to change your habits. Add more vegetables by finding delicious recipes and trying exotic varieties. Do some deep breathing or say grace before you plunge into a meal. Chew slowly and savor the food and start by stretching that meal to 15 minutes if you normally race through.

Then, get moving slowly, by adding 5-15 minutes a day of something you enjoy: stretching, yoga, weight lifting, dancing, walking, etc. (You can do it longer if you feel like it!) You don't have to be a marathon runner for your body to respond quickly.

2. Open Your Heart. There's love all around you. Unfortunately, it is often drowned out by the constant drone of negative press, petty arguments, silly upsets, old grudges, etc. Who (or what) in your life have you not forgiven? Remember, forgiving is all about you and not the other person. By letting go of the poison, you're free to live life fully. Is there tension or unresolved issues with your partner? Clean them up, and get back in touch with the love that brought you together. What is life about, if not love?

3. Focus on the Good. Ever notice how when something upsets you, you focus on it and suddenly it becomes such a huge part of your life when in reality it's only one tiny bit? You can't control what's coming at you, but you're in total control over how your react. Better yet, try acting instead of reacting, by refocusing on all that you have to be grateful for.

4. Make a Difference. How can you best share your talents, gifts, experience, and wisdom? Which of the myriad of problems on the planet could use your genius to solve? How can you make the world a more beautiful place by expressing yourself creatively? What legacy can you leave the next generation? Put your attention on how you can best serve, and do it. You'll be happier. I guarantee it!

5. Cherish the Day. Even as you're fully engaged in your life, remember to slow down, breathe, and be present. When was the last time you watched the sunrise? Or, stopped at the end of the day to enjoy a beautiful sunset? Welcome the gift of each day, and embrace each moment with gusto. See the opportunity gift in each situation, and take pleasure in the time you have left.

And finally...

6. List 60 Things You Want to Do in Your 60s. Use the five criteria above to form who you want to be in your 60s. Next, add where you want to go, what you want to see, whom you want to meet, what you want to create, and where you want to live.

Remember how quickly the last 60 years have gone by? Don't waste a minute. Start dong the things on your list today!

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Copyright (c) 2009 Lin Schreiber

Certified Retirement Coach Lin Schreiber, author of the popular ABC's of Revolutionizing Retirement, helps self-reliant women reinvent themselves in the next stage of life, formerly known as "retirement." To claim your free Revolutionize Retirement Starter Kit, visit her site at

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Positive Attitudes Bring About Positive Results

We've all heard about the power of positive thinking, and many have really tried to think positively but may not have noticed the results they desired. Read on and see how positive attitudes can bring about positive results.

A Positive Attitude Doesn't Mean Ignoring the Obvious

Some people would like you to believe that you can change the world by merely pretending that everything is wonderful, no matter how bad your situation is. Positive thinking isn't ignoring the obvious, but ignoring the obvious can be detrimental and demoralizing.

Positive Attitudes Bring About Positive Results

Positive attitude is instead, a process of finding something positive in every situation, even the bleakest. Looking at the positive side will usually allow you the clarity of thought to find new ways to move out of bad situations into better ones, and eventually to good or great situations. Conversely, looking at the negative side of a situation blocks creativity and thought, and generally leads to more negative situations.

Benefits to a Positive Attitude

Positive thinking brings about benefits that you wouldn't at first imagine. A mental attitude that expects good or favorable results helps mould our behavior towards activities that create a positive environment. Generally, a positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and success in whatever endeavor you attempt. When you do encounter less than favorable circumstances, you will find you are more resourceful than someone that does not have a positive attitude, thereby helping insure your success.

Henry Ford was known to say "Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right."

This particularly rings true when it comes to keeping a positive attitude.

Beyond Mere Attitude

Actually, calling attitude "mere" may be doing it disservice, as your attitude is the result of quite a number of factors, the least of which may be your conscious actions. However, it is clear that your conscious actions greatly affect your attitude. While you may not think so at first, you CAN affect your attitude through some very powerful tools that are relatively simple and easy to implement.

First, watch yourself and see how you talk. Back in the early or mid '90s, I attended a series of lectures by Gregg Braden, and one of the thins he brought up during one of the breaks was the concept of positive speech. With positive speech, you make statements that are positive in relation to what you do, want or need, instead of negative ones. This deliberate speech moves you to a more positive way of being that can radically affect your attitude. Yes, they are a form of affirmation. I was particularly interested in a habit he had of "canceling" phrases we use every day. Whenever he would say something that could be interpreted literally, such as "I laughed so hard I nearly died", he would follow it with "cancel that thought" as soon as he realized it could have been mis-interpreted. If you say "I want this thing" the universe allows you to want, instead of helping you provide it. If, as you watch yourself, you find that you are using a lot of phrases that could be considered negative, try to change how you speak. Every little change you make in turning your speech positive will help improve your attitude, and that will help make you life more positive.

Changing Your Life With a Positive Attitude

As you change your speech, you will find your attitude improves. To further help, try to avoid the habit of complaining about what isn't right, or isn't going the way you wish it would. the universe interprets your statements as statements of fact. If you state things in a positive manner as if they have already happened, they are much more likely to happen. On the other hand, if you continually dwell on the negative side, and complain (especially to others you think may share your pain), you only reinforce those negative actions and bring more of them to yourself. A positive attitude begins with positive speech. By avoiding speaking negative things, you can lessen the power you give to the negative and begin to move you energy to the positive. With each negative you no longer express, and each positive thing you do express, the closer you get to a better, more positive attitude, and with it, a more positive life.

I have seen many cases in my own life where the above concepts were proven true and effective, and watched others descend into relative pits of negativity because they were apparently unable to accept that positive speech and actions could make even the smallest change in their situation. I have personally been in more than one situation where I could find little positive to see, and had to be reminded by someone else outside of the direct effect to see even the smallest positive. Once I did find the first positive element, then built one upon another and before long I was out of the negative pit and back with a positive attitude.

The universe operates much as if it were this immense conscious computer, and our speech and attitude were the programming that determined what was to come. How and what we think has a profound effect on our individual future.

As a parting comment, I again repeat the words of Henry Ford:
"Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right."

Positive Attitudes Bring About Positive Results
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To get the FREE report "How to Become Your Best Self - While Fulfilling All Your Dreams in the Process" and sign up for an email newsletter by Rick Dayle with lots of information on Self Help topics, go to: []

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Attitude In The Workplace: How Your Work Attitude Can Define You

Your attitude in the workplace can be one of the most - if not the most - telling aspect of how others in the company look at you and feel about you as a coworker.

A first impression can be a hard thing to shake especially if it's a bad one. In other words, once you have gotten a workplace reputation as being lazy, a slacker, a whiner or other negative tag, it can be hard to get rid of.

Think of someone you've worked with who perhaps didn't work as hard as you expected them to and then think about how you felt about every time you had to work with them.

Attitude In The Workplace: How Your Work Attitude Can Define You

Perception is often reality and once people get an idea in their head about someone or something, it can be difficult to get them to think differently.

In my experience, your attitude in the workplace can sometimes define you more than the work you actually produce if your coworkers come to see you as someone who is reliable, competent, intelligent and someone that they can rely on.

One of the worst feelings can be to work with people who don't seem to care and don't appear to pull their own weight.

When I think about people I've worked with who I've seen in a positive light, they tend to be people who outwardly display a positive attitude in the workplace.

They tend to take the initiative and are reliable. They are someone that you look forward to working with. They don't complain or bad mouth their company or coworkers and basically get on with the job at hand. They don't wander around bothering other people because they aren't doing their own job.

Basically, they are people who would be missed if they left the company.

Having formerly worked for a company that regularly laid off staff, I can tell you that the people who were let go first were often those who were generally regarded as being staff who didn't display these positive traits and therefore weren't seen as being employees who needed to remain employed.

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Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter who has written an ebook for career-minded individuals: []

Recruiter Secrets Revealed [] sheds light on job search and career management "secrets" that you can use to supercharge your career and distinguish yourself from other job searchers.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Talk to People - 9 Super Success Tips

We admire those who know how to talk to people, or have the innate ability to easily engage in a conversation even in an unfamiliar gathering. Others believe that some are born with the natural ability to talk to people or they have what they call the gift of the gab. However, the ability to talk or convey ideas whether in a small group or up on stage before a large audience is not an innate ability but an acquired skill. It can be learned, enhanced, and perfected. All you need are the right information and the determination to do it.

Were you disappointed before because you were not born with the gift? Then worry no more and start to learn the skill. To begin with, here are some helpful tips on how to talk to people.

1. Be presentable. You do not need to get the best couturier in town to have you packaged. All you have to do is to be dressed appropriately. It is one way of building your self-confidence and it will help you to act confidently.

How to Talk to People - 9 Super Success Tips

2. Keep a pocket full of information. Be up to date with the current events, and keep a mental list of good topics of discussion. These are handy tools to keep you ready to talk to almost anybody.

3. Get yourself centered and focused. This is a basic if we want to establish connection with the person or people we are talking to. Develop the ability to shake off recent events that somehow ruined your day. Take a few minutes if you need to before engaging in any conversation.

4. Be respectful. Respect the feelings, emotions and opinions of others. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it is healthy to agree that we disagree. Let every one have their moment to be heard and sincerely listen to them. That way it would give them a sense of importance.

5. Maintain eye contact. It is one way of showing interest in the person we are talking to. Women, they say, maintain eye contact more than men but men could acquire the skill through practice. Movements or stray thoughts tend to sidetrack a person. Be aware of them and learn to ignore them.

6. Listen. Listening is a serious business. It is easy to talk and talk but we defeat the purpose and lose the chance of establishing rapport. There are
situations that are more important where active listening is imperative. You will not miss the cue for your turn if you listen attentively.

7. Establish rapport. It is not an easy thing but sincerity is the key that unlocks the door in establishing rapport. Synchronizing behavior or mimicking the pose, facial expression, gestures, body language, and tone of voice of the other person are ways of building rapport.

8. Adopt a positive attitude. Make sure your words, tone and gestures are all saying the same thing. Find out what you have in common, or if you seem to have nothing in common, adjust. Try to become the other person for a short time.

9. Always ask an open ended question. This will help the continuous flow of conversation and will help you and the group to keep the encounter alive and flowing with information.

Discovering how to connect with others and employing these strategies will make one successful in talking to people. Talk means to express, exchange ideas by means of spoken words or to convey information or communicate in any way. Take these simple steps and you are sure to make the act of talking to people fascinating and memorable for all. One day someone may come up to you and ask where you learned how to talk to people.

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Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Six Year Old Attitudes, Bad Behavior and Temper Tantrums

Does your 6 year old have an attitude? Have you ever heard of the Terrible 6's? Not frequently written about but commonly experienced behavior is the six year old and their smart-alec attitude. This behavior emerges anywhere from kindergarten to 1st grade and lasts for 1-2 years. It is characterized by a "know it all" attitude, high self esteem, talking back to adults and the belief that they can do anything. Be reassured that this is a normal stage in your child's life and, in time, it will pass. Parents can survive this stage by consistent rules and discipline.

This stage of social emotional development occurs because of the tremendous growth in their abilities at this age. They are feeling very intelligent from the learning they are doing in school and the attention they receive from their teachers and other adults. They are reading, spelling and learning a lot about the world around them. They feel smart and therefore, act smart.

Typically, your child will be well behaved at school, following the rules without difficulty. At home however, their attitude rears it's ugly head and parents are hit by surprise. This stage is not really a negative time but parents do have to get a handle on the know it all attitude and the talking back. It is important to be consistent with discipline at this stage and set clear guidelines about unacceptable behavior. Your child will quickly learn that they will receive more positive attention from you if they are respectful of you and others.

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Ann Lewis, ARNP, MHCI, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Mental Health Counseling Intern, Certified Life Coach (CTA), Expert Author. Employed by Community Christian Counseling Center & Palm Beach Pediatrics. Blog: Child's Play Parenting

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