Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude

A positive mental attitude is essential to successfully overcome the challenges you will encounter in your day to day life. Just as you would nurture your body with a good diet and exercise, you need to develop your positive mental attitude with regular mental exercises. Read about the 7 habits that will help you...

1. Always use positive self talk. You are constantly talking to yourself in your mind. It has been estimated that up to 1500 words a minute flow through your mind. Your thoughts are either positive in nature - "I can do this..." or they are negative in nature "It's too hard for me..." Negative self talk will lead to self doubt, poor self esteem and a negative mental attitude. Positive self talk will lead to confidence, high self esteem and positive mental attitudes.

2. Control the pictures in your mind. You use mental pictures to represent places, events, dreams and visions. You may not be aware of all the pictures that you make. One thing is certain, the outer world you will see is a reflection of the inner pictures that you create in your mind today. If you predominantly create negative pictures, your future will be the same as or worse than your present. If you focus on positive pictures, your future will be better than your present.

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude

3. Feed your mind a healthy diet. You are bombarded on a daily basis with negativity. People with negative attitudes, media that focus on bad news are everywhere. You need to take positive steps to give your mind a daily diet of positive information - motivational tapes, books and videos, intelligent reporting in quality newspapers.

4. Associate with positive people. Your level of success has been proven to be strongly correlated with the people you associate with. If you mix with people with a negative attitude and low levels of success in life, that's where you'll end up. If you mix with successful people with positive, supportive mental attitudes, you'll join them!

5. Positive training and development. You should strengthen your mind with personal growth and development programs - aim for at least four programs a year. If you don't grow as a person, you'll stay just where you are. The key to a better future is to start from the inside and grow yourself as a person.

6. Develop a healthy lifestyle. The old saying "a healthy body makes a healthy mind" is correct. You need to ensure that you have high levels of mental energy in order to deal with the world and maintain a positive mental attitude. A good diet and regular exercise will mean that your body is able to supply plenty of nourishment to your brain. A poor diet and no exercise will leave you feeling tired and unable to cope with the challenges of life.

7. Be proactive. If you are proactive, you will always take the initiative, you will be in control of your life and your self esteem will rise. If you let yourself be reactive, life will control you, you'll become the victim of circumstances and you will have low self esteem.

To develop and maintain a positive mental attitude you need to develop, exercise and feed your mind. This article has outlined a seven point program for developing a positive mental attitude. If you build all the habits into your life, you will become a positive thinker who is headed for success.

You'll need to incorporate these habits into your life for 21 days to give them time to take effect. If you do, you'll see a difference in your results!

Would you like to learn more about success through a positive mental attitude?

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude
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Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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