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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Creating a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is a disciplined decision of the mind to maintain a consistently confident expectation of good results. John Terhune

I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. Martha Washington

All you need is positivity. The Spice Girls

Creating a Positive Attitude

I'm sure there are people out there who have naturally positive attitudes. People who were blessed to be born with sunny dispositions that weren't destroyed or distorted by the negativity of others (parents, teachers, siblings or friends) as they grew up.

There must be people out there like this - but I am not one of them. I've suffered from complaining and negative emotions in the past, however, I have learned how to create a positive attitude in my life. For those of you who, like me, were not blessed with a positive attitude as our constant state of being, here are suggestions of how to develop and maintain one.

1. Take responsibility

Know that you are the only person who can create and control your attitude. When the coffee spills on your new white shirt, when your spouse/significant other acts like a ____(fill in the blank), when you don't get the job you were dying for - these are all times when you have a choice of how to respond. Outside events can't create your attitude. You create your attitude in response to how you think about the event. It's all up to you. The outside world will always throw challenges in your path. You have to decide how you are going to respond to those challenges, and you can pick whether to respond negatively or positively. No one else can choose for you.

2. Foster a great attitude

The best way to do this is to feel good about yourself! How can you possibly project a positive attitude if inside you are beating yourself up? You have to develop a positive confident view of yourself in order to project this to the world. If you lack in confidence or you put yourself down, try one of the following exercises:

* Every day catch yourself doing something well and praise yourself for it!

* At the end of the day, instead of listing for yourself all the things you didn't accomplish, think of all the things you did accomplish and praise yourself for that.

* This came from an article in Positive Thinking magazine - if you find you put yourself down, become aware of it by putting a loose rubber band around your wrist and every time you notice negative thoughts about yourself, snap the rubber band on your wrist and change the thought to something positive. You will get tired of the stinging snap of the rubber band and should find yourself thinking more positively about yourself because it will become a habit.

* If your lack of confidence comes from childhood abuse, get help at releasing that toxic negative residue. Know that just because some adult told you you were bad or you couldn't do anything right, it doesn't mean it's true. Get help from a therapist, books, or seminars to clear out this old lie.

3. Work at it

Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of all of the daily challenges in life can be daunting, but you can do it. It's a personal choice to believe the best about any situation. Start to become aware of what you are thinking and saying.

The other day I heard a friend complain that she could only catch her negative thinking about half the time before she reacted and got angry or started crying. And my response was that half the time is pretty darn good. That's a long way from where she started when she was completely unaware of how her negative thoughts controlled and created her life.

We are all works in progress! Work at it - gently correct yourself when you've gone the wrong way and praise yourself when you get it right! Teaching yourself to have a positive attitude takes gentle but consistent work, just like training a puppy.

4. Find other people who have positive, energy-filled attitudes and develop relationships with them

When you are working on a positive attitude, you have to choose your friendships wisely. If you have someone in your life who radiates positive energy, try to spend more time with that person. If you don't have anyone like that, try to find someone and develop a friendship.

It's a law of the universe - positive people will energize you, and negative people will deplete you unless you have developed such a strong positive attitude that you can protect yourself mentally against their negativity.

5. Find your purpose and dare to dream

How can you create a positive attitude if you don't look forward to anything? Maybe some people can, but I can't. I have written before about finding your purpose and passion in life in my article Top 10 Ways to Create an Unlimited Life (Numbers 8 & 9) []. Here I'm going to talk about your dreams.

Do you still have dreams or have they been squashed out of you as you've gotten older? Dare to dream again! You can do much more in your life than limited thinking will lead you to believe. To create and maintain a positive attitude for yourself, you have to develop a mindset that tomorrow can be more fulfilling than today. Your dreams are your vision of success. And if it's strong enough, it is that vision that will sustain you when you face the inevitable set backs and challenges in life that everyone faces.

Dare to dream of what you want in life and commit to taking a step toward that vision every day and you will go a long way toward your goal of having a positive attitude.

6. Protect your ears and eyes

The great majority of the population of this world does not live life from the space of a positive attitude. In fact, I believe the majority of the population of this world lives from a place of pain, and that people who live from pain only know how to spread more negativity and pain. For me, this explains many of the atrocities of our world and the reason why we are bombarded with negativity all the time.

To create and maintain a positive attitude, you have to protect yourself from this negativity and pain. Be careful what you read, watch, and listen to. So much of what's produced in the media is packed with negativity. When you are working hard at creating your positive attitude, don't watch the news or any tv shows that have to do with violent crime. If something really important happens in the world, you'll hear about it anyway. If part of your purpose is to help other people who are suffering, then learn what you need to know, but don't expose yourself to unnecessary negative information. For example, unless you have a loved one on the plane, if you are in the US do you really need to know about a small jet that crashed in Russia? That's negative news that can cause you emotional sadness, but that you can't do anything about.

As far as tv shows are concerned, I have to admit to being addicted to watching CSI for while - until I really thought about how I was polluting my own mental and emotional state by being exposed to excessively violent acts, even if they were fictitious!

7. Read and listen to positive, inspiring material

Why read or listen to something negative when you can replace it with something positive that will inspire or motivate you to create more happiness, peace or success in your life? There is so much motivational material out there these days. Go to the bookstore or check out all the motivational cds available from Nightingale-Conant. When you immerse yourself in positive, motivating material, you can't help but absorb some of it.

8. Celebrate yourself and all the positive you can find in your life

Okay, maybe this is a repeat of Number 2 above, but it's a concept that merits repeating. Celebrate who you are, the positive things you contribute to the world, and the positive things that are happening in your life. It doesn't matter how small they are!

What you focus on expands. If you focus on the negative, you will experience more negative. If you celebrate the positive, you will notice more of it showing up in your life. Realize that you have a very limited vision of this world, and that something you perceive as negative might really be a positive - you can never really know ahead of time. Mentally celebrate everything that you possibly can.


These are suggestions for developing a positive attitude from someone who has definitely had to work on it every day. When I wake up, I imagine a positive day ahead of me. When I'm faced with violence or bad news on the tv or radio, I turn it off. I listen to motivational cds in the car while I'm driving. And before I fall asleep, I think of the things in my life that I'm grateful for. I'm not always positive and radiant and joyful, but I am most of the time, and each day I progress further. And I can guarantee you life is much more fulfilling with a positive attitude.

Somebody I know who is very wise once said: "Lot's of people will tell you this positive attitude thing is a bunch of garbage. Well, that may be, but I'd rather believe in a positive bunch of garbage than in their negative bunch of garbage."

Me too. How about you?

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Judy Braley is an author, an attorney, and a parent of two. Her personal development blog with free articles and information on inspiration for your life can be found at []. Copyright © 2007 Wherett Inc. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing

1. Remember that your thoughts create your destiny. Recognize your own power to create your life.

2. Stop worrying. Often by worrying we feel like we are "doing" something about a problem when we aren't. When we worry we are in the past or in the future. By staying in the present we can actually problem-solve the situation as it actually exists.

3. Don't believe in defeat. Unexpected opportunities often come with what initially seem like negative outcomes or mistakes . Also, when you feel defeated, make a list of the factors that are supportive of you, rather than focusing on those that are against you.

Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing

4. Stop all those little negatives because they grow in to large ones. Use thought stopping and the steps toward changing your negative self-talk.

5. Name what is blocking your positive thoughts. What prevents you from thinking positive all the time?

6. Examine each of your core beliefs in terms of how it operates in your life. Make a commitment to yourself to eliminate the ones that cause you distress or problems.

7. Focus on the present. Your energy is drained by regretting the past and worrying about the future. Stay grounded in the here-and-now where it is easier to actually problem-solve the real situations.

8. When faced with a problem, focus on possible solutions and the resources that you do have. Brainstorm. What are the many options available, not just the black-and-white solutions or obvious ones?

9. Take self-responsibility. Stop blaming others for your unhappiness. Recognize the consequences of your choices.

10. Identify your personal definition of success. This helps you decide which path you want to take and to know when you have arrived at your goal. Your definition of success will be unique to you. No one else can define it for you.

11. Fill your life with positive supportive people. Allow their positive opinion of you in. Don't block them because their opinions do not fit your image of yourself. What is the worse thing that could happen if you thought positive thoughts about yourself? You might actually feel more energetic and motivated and have more fun!

12. Avoid draining your energy by focusing on the past and looking at mistakes that have already been made. Focus on the lesson learned and not on the mistake. What can you learn from the choice you made, whether it was a good choice or not?

13. Express your appreciation and positive feelings toward others. Say thank you when they complete simple daily tasks. Avoid draining your energy focusing on what they didn't or haven't done.

14. When feeling overwhelmed by change, make a list of what is staying the same and what is not changing. What do you already know? What can you keep doing the same as before?

15. Acknowledge out loud your positive traits and successes. Question why it is considered conceited or arrogant to talk about what you do well.

16. Keep a gratitude journal. Each night before bed list three things that you are grateful for that day. Some days it may simply be that you are grateful that the day is finally over!

17. Work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others by wearing your social mask. When you wear a mask and try to be everything to everyone it can be exhausting. There is no space left for you. Also, I find that in order to please everyone I would have to keep switching masks for each new person because everyone will want something different.

18. Ask yourself: "How do I manufacture my own unhappiness?"

19. Keep asking yourself what is really important. In five years how much will this really matter?

20. Brainstorm a list of what makes you happy. Direct your attention to what pleases you. How can you allow or create more of this in your life?

21. Practice random acts of kindness.

22. Suspend judgment of yourself and others. Practice self-acceptance and acceptance of others. What does judging yourself or someone else achieve? Acceptance does not mean never changing. However, you cannot change what you don't recognize or accept you are doing.

23. Affirm and reaffirm your assets. List ten achievements you have obtained over the last 5 years. It could be finding a new job, taking a course, learning a new skill or changing your attitude.

24. Trust your intuition. Your intuition is that "gut feeling" or that hunch. It is your inner self speaking to you.

25. Create a home environment that is pleasing and nurturing to you.

26. Work at a job that energizes you.

27. Slow down. Learn to respond, rather than react.

28. Our own attitude is often what we see reflected in others. People in our lives act as mirrors to allow us to see ourselves more clearly. If you are surrounded by negative people, take a look at yourself. How might these people be a reflection of your own attitude? Similarly, as you become more positive you will attract more positive people to you. Initially though, as you become more positive the negative people in your life may escalate their negatively in order to try to pull you back in. Remember it is not your job to change them. Focus your energy on being more positive and creating more positive energy in your own life.

Which 5 of these suggestions will you commit to focusing on over the next 6 months?

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Are you tired of feeling frustrated, worried, fearful and discouraged? Do you want to eliminate self-defeating thoughts and beliefs that are preventing you from living the life you want and increase your positive thinking? Learn practical techniques to amplify your positive self-talk, increase your self-esteem, reduce your stress and have more fun. Find all this and more in my book "Blah, blah, blah... Changing Your Negative Self-talk". Visit for more information or to purchase a paperback or E-book version of this book.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Positive Impact of Strategic Thinking and Planning on Your Success

What is strategic thinking? Strategic thinking is a somewhat complex statement. For a better understanding of what it means, first consider what strategic planning is. Strategic planning is a process of analysis and declaration, usually used by companies to focus their goals and directives. Strategic planning focuses on strategy, direction and decision-making. Before an organization could plan for its future, it would first have to examine its own strengths, weaknesses, threats and well as a summary of its political, economic, social and technological missions. The primary objective of strategic planning is not merely analysis, but the formal consideration of an organization's future course.

How does strategic planning differ from strategic thinking? There are some subtle differences that should be reviewed. Strategic thinking is not as detailed as strategic planning. Strategic thinking implies predicting a general "shape" of what the future might bring; i.e., financial trends or significant political events. Strategic planning would plan for the future and in tremendous detail. Of course, nobody can predict the future and so strategic planning would center more on predicting organizational performance rather than social outcomes. There are also more subtle differences. In strategic thinking, managers understand the entire system including all functioning units. With strategic planning, some management personnel may be kept in the dark, only being taught how to fulfill their role. The best way to understand the difference is that strategic thinking seems to favor a more effective operation, whereas strategic planning focuses on efficiency.

Both systems are recommended for a variety of reasons. A company leader must have a clear direction of where his or her company is going. Just as an individual sets short-term goals, so the leaders in an organization must continue to set goals and directives on a continuing basis. Whether you own your own business, are progressing in your career, or are seeking strategy for some other aspect of life, you should be putting forth effort to become a better strategic thinker. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

The Positive Impact of Strategic Thinking and Planning on Your Success

Tips To Become a Better Strategic Thinker

Every strategy starts with a vision, a vision of success, both in the long-term and short-term picture. Strategists are not afraid of failure but look forward to learning from experience. You will always be learning, no matter how long you live. All of the experience that you accumulate should help you to improve strategic thinking. The best strategists use both strategic thinking and planning to their advantage, managing their time efficiently, even while focusing in on details as much as possible. Try and remember this simple fact: time is more costly than money. Money comes and goes but you can never get wasted time back.

Becoming a better strategic thinker requires that you modify your thinking so that you can be more observant of what is happening around you. Most strategic thinkers have a very high level of awareness and are careful to take in as much information as possible. The more you know about the past and present the more you can predict the future. This is what strategic thinking is all about. It is also important that you stay patient. Staying patient doesn't mean that you have to control your enthusiasm or refrain from taking risks. Actually, the more short-term goals that you create, the better off you will be. You should also be encouraged to consider more risks as this can help you get over your fears of taking decisive action. Short-term goals keep individuals motivated and confident. At the same time, you need patience to help keep your upcoming goals moving you toward your dreams and keep your long-range mission in check.

Why Great Strategies Fail

All of these tips can help you to formulate a great strategy. However, there is no guarantee that your brilliant strategic plan will work. This is why you are advised to never risk more than you have to lose, especially when starting out in business. Often times, you will miscalculate if you are trying to strategize for a potential outcome. As previously mentioned, you cannot predict the future with 100% accuracy, no matter how much planning you do, and no matter who you are.

A miscalculation could also be due to an error in your strategy. Some of the most common errors result from simple planning mistakes. For instance, a failure to understand the client or targeted client could be responsible for a poor marketing campaign. The company may over-estimate their resources or even the competence of their staff to handle a complicated project. A lack of organization may be responsible for an unsuccessful campaign. There could even be problems with time management, with employee education, or with poor overall communication.

If this has happened don't let it discourage you. Use every setback as a learning experience and strategize so that the next endeavor is monumentally successful. I'm sure you have heard the expression, "learn from your mistakes." As we move forward and make progress on our journey, we will have many experiences to learn from. Use them to your advantage.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Being a Positive Leader - How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

What is one of the most important tools a leader can have? Extensive training, a handful of certificates, or an impressive resume maybe? Surprisingly, all these things pale in comparison to one tool no leader should be without, a positive mental attitude.

That's right, having a positive mental attitude determines how you experience your life. In turn, it determines how you behave as a leader, and the influence you have on others. We have talked before about smiling and the positive to negative ratio - so this information shouldn't come as a surprise to you. The underlying message behind all those tips we enjoy sharing with you, is to have the right mental attitude.

When you smile, you make others happy. When you concentrate on being the positive factor in your team's day, their productivity goes up. When you seek out good things to say about others, you will find more good things about them. This is not coincidental. This is the power of being positive.

Being a Positive Leader - How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

I know sometimes that can seem like an impossible task. With all the worries and stresses of today, staying positive might not be at the top of your to do list. You hear everyone speak of the down economy, you watch horrors on the news, and you may have lay-offs or shut-downs in your company. I am certainly not saying staying positive isn't a challenge sometimes. However, as leaders . . . should we not rise to the challenge? You don't need to be unrealistically upbeat, just try to remember that you can affect a lot more than you think by adjusting your perception.

Your attitude has the power to not only lift you up or pull you down, but affect your team in the same way. Look for the positives in situations. Remember, as the saying goes, you need "to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can". You simply need the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Try hard to focus on only the things you can directly influence. Work at making a positive difference on those things. Every day seek out new ways to keep yourself positive and new positive people to be around.
Remember, "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." What good will you find today?

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Leanne Crain is a Marketing and Administrative Assistant for the business consulting company BizXcel which publishes Generating Greatness, the bi-weekly ezine for business professionals. If you are ready to push your business to new heights, make more money, save time and improve productivity, then get your FREE tips now at

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Define Your Attitude At Your Job - Positive Attitude In The Workplace

The most important thing is to define what king of attitude you have where you work. Your coworkers will react to your attitude in a positive or negative way depending on what attitude you have. A positive attitude in the workplace will help you get raises and have a better career than having a negative attitude and being a grump at work.

If someones first impression of you is a negative one because you are lazy or grumpy then they will look at you as a negative person and who may not get along with them to well. Also having a negative outlook at your job can be a bad thing for you when it comes time to get a raise or time to lay someone off.

You can be a productive worker but if you do not have a positive attitude you can be looked at as someone who is lazy and does not do much for the company.

Define Your Attitude At Your Job - Positive Attitude In The Workplace

It is important to have a positive attitude because you want to like your work and what you do. You also want others around you to like you and like working with you. It is better for everyone at work to be positive and try to keep the atmosphere positive because you can benefit when it comes time to advance and you are looked upon as a positive influence over other people.

Just remember you want to have a positive attitude at work and want other to see you as a great asset to the company.

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Learn How To: Have a Positive Attitude

Learn About: Positive Work Attitude

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leadership Qualities - Leaders Have a Positive Attitude

When people hear statements like "have a positive attitude" or "think positively," many shake their heads thinking, "Sure, but they don't know what my life is like." Maybe not, but regardless of your life circumstances, you can and should, do your best to maintain a positive attitude.

Only the ignorant believe that life is to be problem- and challenge-free. Unfortunately, ridiculous thoughts like these are promoted more and more through non-mainstream thought influencers who maintain that if anything bad happens to you, then you must be a bad person - you must be attracting it. Life is filled with a variety of events. Whether they are good or bad depends on how you choose to look at things. The "good" or "bad" label comes from your interpretation and classification of something based on your beliefs, prior experiences, and attitude.

How many times have you heard someone say of a challenging life experience that it was the best thing that ever happened to them? I'm willing to bet that you've said that yourself. And, we're not talking about small life issues, but rather about ones that have had life-altering consequences.

Leadership Qualities - Leaders Have a Positive Attitude

Your attitude is a choice and one that you make every day. Think about the power that you have over your own happiness! That's the real secret of a wonderful life - you get to call the shots on how you're going to interpret it.

A positive mental attitude is an essential quality of a leader as it sets the tone for everything that follows. While a leader certainly experiences his or her share of disappointments, challenges, and hard times, it's imperative that the right attitude be communicated regularly and consistently to everyone.

The right mental attitude makes everything flow more smoothly. It offers a sense of welcome, it makes people want to open up and share, and most important, it's contagious! Great leaders have great attitudes.

What do you do to maintain a positive mental attitude? How does having this attitude affect your success as a leader?

"Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions." -- Harold Geneen

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Tara Kachaturoff is the creator, producer and host of Michigan Entrepreneur TV, a weekly television talk show featuring business leaders and businesses from start-up to stellar. With over 15 years of experience in corporate finance in the tech sector, she now coaches executives, business professionals, and entrepreneurs on leadership, management, productivity, and personal branding issues. Tara is also the author of 21 Qualities of a Leader from which this article is excerpted.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Positive Thinking Exercises And Activities

One positive thinking exercise that is simple to do every day is positive affirmation. You may not know what that is but I'll tell you. An affirmation is something positive that you say to something that is already happening, and it can be a useful tool to use to shift the way that you think from negative to positive. What you do is come up with a few statements like "I am creating a spectacular day" or "money and success gravitate towards me" and spend some time every morning and every night if you can saying them aloud.

You should try to come up with different statements that apply and make the most sense to you, you must also state them in present tense, and in a positive way. This can be very effective. Listen to positive music everyday is quite effective. It can be anywhere, it can be in your room or even in the car. The car is a great place to listen to this kind of music.

This is a great place because many people tend to spend a lot of their time on the road. You should try to listen to music that you feel is inspiring and you feel good while listening to it. A good idea would be purchasing motivational personal development CDs however they do not only have to be played while your driving, they can be played while on the bus as well.

Positive Thinking Exercises And Activities

Another activity would be to make a whole bunch of positive images and surround yourself with them. These types of images can be anything from famous quotes to inspiring pictures or you can even make use of the affirmations that you make and write them down on cards. However you should always have physical reminders of things you think are positive close by at all times.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

How Positive Attitude Poems Can Help You In Negative Situations

Getting inspiration from positive attitude poems can help us improve the quality of our lives by constantly motivating us to reach for our goals and aspirations. By reading positive attitude poems, you may be able to make your relationships with other people better as well as further your knowledge and skills for your career. Unlike negative self talk, positive attitude poems help us stay on top of our game.

When surrounded by negativity, people often change their behavior which can greatly affect their way of thinking as well as their attitude towards life. Therefore, when you are confronted with negativity, it is best to read positive attitude poems to get you back on track to being motivated and inspired. The poems can be your guide to make you look at life in a more positive perspective.

So, whenever you hear the negative voice inside you, discouraging you from doing the things you want or are passionate about, try to remember a line or stanza that struck you in any of the inspirational poems that you have heard or read. Verses or stanzas from any of these inspirational poems will definitely boost your spirit so that you may be able to have the strength to go against these negative voices. By doing just that, your mind will be redirected into a more positive thoughts. That is why it is good to read inspirational poems and look for lines which can inspire you and get you going everyday,

How Positive Attitude Poems Can Help You In Negative Situations

Take for example the poem, The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost. This is one of the well known positive attitude poems. The writer wants to point out how our choices can affect our lives in the future. This is a timeless piece of literature as it can have a big impact in people's lives regardless of generation. Being one of the well known inspirational poems, The Road Not Taken makes you change your perception in life particularly when confronted with life's choices. So you may be able to get some good insights from reading these motivational poems and use it as your life's mantra.

Positive attitude poems are there to stimulate our minds and arouse feelings of happiness and gratitude. In fact, these poems are timeless and has ever since inspired humankind to be better. With positive attitude poems, we see another person as our own mirror image. Thus, we try to make that person our role model as we face everyday challenges.

Giving inspiration to the readers is the purpose of such motivational poems. So people are more inspired and motivated to take action to make their lives better, especially when they use some lines or verse from their favorite poem as their mantra.

Once you have learned a verse of some positive attitude poems by heart, try to hang on to the strong emotion it has evoked from you. You can make use of this strong emotion when you try to reach for your goal or when you feel disappointed and frustrated. When things get worse, you just have to repeat the lines from these great poems so that you can be inspired and motivated again.

On the other hand, people may not get the same effect on certain positive attitude poems. What may be inspiring for you may not hold true for others. Nonetheless, it is important that you are able to gain knowledge and wisdom from these positive attitude poems to help you stay driven and inspired.

How Positive Attitude Poems Can Help You In Negative Situations
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Drew Innes was a former Executive and now is one of today's most successful Internet Entrepreneurs teaching people positive attitude poems. Drew is an International mentor and coach in Direct Sales specialising in Personal Development, Home Business Systems, Online Marketing and mentoring people on mastering the inner game of wealth. Learn positive attitude poems to manifest 'your own economy' online to take back control of your personal and financial life.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude

A positive mental attitude is essential to successfully overcome the challenges you will encounter in your day to day life. Just as you would nurture your body with a good diet and exercise, you need to develop your positive mental attitude with regular mental exercises. Read about the 7 habits that will help you...

1. Always use positive self talk. You are constantly talking to yourself in your mind. It has been estimated that up to 1500 words a minute flow through your mind. Your thoughts are either positive in nature - "I can do this..." or they are negative in nature "It's too hard for me..." Negative self talk will lead to self doubt, poor self esteem and a negative mental attitude. Positive self talk will lead to confidence, high self esteem and positive mental attitudes.

2. Control the pictures in your mind. You use mental pictures to represent places, events, dreams and visions. You may not be aware of all the pictures that you make. One thing is certain, the outer world you will see is a reflection of the inner pictures that you create in your mind today. If you predominantly create negative pictures, your future will be the same as or worse than your present. If you focus on positive pictures, your future will be better than your present.

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude

3. Feed your mind a healthy diet. You are bombarded on a daily basis with negativity. People with negative attitudes, media that focus on bad news are everywhere. You need to take positive steps to give your mind a daily diet of positive information - motivational tapes, books and videos, intelligent reporting in quality newspapers.

4. Associate with positive people. Your level of success has been proven to be strongly correlated with the people you associate with. If you mix with people with a negative attitude and low levels of success in life, that's where you'll end up. If you mix with successful people with positive, supportive mental attitudes, you'll join them!

5. Positive training and development. You should strengthen your mind with personal growth and development programs - aim for at least four programs a year. If you don't grow as a person, you'll stay just where you are. The key to a better future is to start from the inside and grow yourself as a person.

6. Develop a healthy lifestyle. The old saying "a healthy body makes a healthy mind" is correct. You need to ensure that you have high levels of mental energy in order to deal with the world and maintain a positive mental attitude. A good diet and regular exercise will mean that your body is able to supply plenty of nourishment to your brain. A poor diet and no exercise will leave you feeling tired and unable to cope with the challenges of life.

7. Be proactive. If you are proactive, you will always take the initiative, you will be in control of your life and your self esteem will rise. If you let yourself be reactive, life will control you, you'll become the victim of circumstances and you will have low self esteem.

To develop and maintain a positive mental attitude you need to develop, exercise and feed your mind. This article has outlined a seven point program for developing a positive mental attitude. If you build all the habits into your life, you will become a positive thinker who is headed for success.

You'll need to incorporate these habits into your life for 21 days to give them time to take effect. If you do, you'll see a difference in your results!

Would you like to learn more about success through a positive mental attitude?

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - 7 Habits For Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude
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Get the free e-book Secrets of a Millionaire Mindset . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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