Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Positive Attitude - Are You Setting Yourself Up For a Bad Day?

Your attitude towards life can make you or break you. Your attitude determines your experience in life. It determines how people respond to you and whether you will be a success or a failure!

Now, by your attitude, I mean your disposition towards yourself, other people and things.

Let's observe how your attitude affects your life.

Positive Attitude - Are You Setting Yourself Up For a Bad Day?

When you wake up in the morning, do you drag yourself out of bed and moan, "Oh my God, another day. I sure hate to have to go to work. I hate my boss. I hate my job! I'm so discouraged. I'm so tired. I don't feel well...etc. etc."

If those are your first thoughts in the morning, your attitude toward life is negative. People around you will sense your negative mood and will respond negatively. Your whole day will probably turn out bad!

Life meets you exactly the way you meet life!

When you meet life cheerfully and lovingly, life will meet you that way.

Your positive attitude will cause everyone and everything to respond to you in a positive way!

"But, Rev. Ike, when I wake up, I'm in a bad mood, I'm tired, I'm angry, I'm depressed, I'm anxious, how do I turn that around ... how do I control my thoughts and feelings?"

Consider this for a starter:

How do you think your day would be if, when you woke up in the morning you shouted out loud:


That would shock your emotions into the right attitude, wouldn't it?

Now it might be too much for some of you to shout at yourself first thing in the morning, so some of you calmer types can try the following:

Every morning when you wake up, start thinking about the plans you have for the day.

And say the following affirmation out loud to yourself

(be sure to SAY IT WITH FEELING - say it like you mean it):

"I have opened my eyes and I am going to get up now.

I am going to go out into the world and I will perhaps meet many people. I am going to meet them positively and joyfully.

I am going to meet many kinds of conditions, circumstances, and situations, and I am going to meet each of them with a positive, peaceful and joyful attitude.

For today, I gladly let go of all feelings of anger and criticism. I gladly let go of all hatreds and hurtreds. Today, I choose to see everyone (including myself) through eyes of love and compassion.

My mind is at peace. I trust myself. I am having a good day starting right now. Thank you Father!"

You try saying that. And don't just mouth the words. Feel the feelings.

Say it with emotion, say it with conviction - convince yourself! And if you aren't convinced the first time -- say it again until you believe it!

Do this and the message will get through to your subconscious mind!

You'll be amazed at the difference it will make in your day.

It will work for you -- it must work for you -- the Laws of Mind Science guarantee it!

You see, in this philosophy we are not dealing with blind faith or dumb luck. We are dealing with science. Science of Living is a technology for living, because it teaches you how to determine the circumstances and situations in your life.

Remember, every day you can meet life knowing if your day is going to be successful or not, by first asking yourself "How am I going to meet life today? Am I setting myself up for a bad day or a good day?"

Positive Attitude - Are You Setting Yourself Up For a Bad Day?
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Now, I want to send you my powerful life-changing FREE e-book, "Thinkonomics", that teaches you how to use your God-given mind power to get what you want out of life by using my Mind Science techniques of self-awareness, visualization, affirmation and repetition. I'll also send you my free 7-lesson e-course "Visualization - How to Make It Work For You", plus as a bonus gift, a Powerful AUDIO Visualization Prayer Treatment that will automatically condition your mind for health, happiness and abundance.

Request your three free gifts now (with no strings attached), at http://scienceoflivingonline.com/

Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter is better known as REVEREND IKE, "The Success and Prosperity Preacher." Using practical Mind Science techniques, he has taught millions of people to be masters of their own mind and their circumstances by changing their self-image, thoughts and attitudes.

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