Friday, November 30, 2012

Attitude In The Workplace: How Your Work Attitude Can Define You

Your attitude in the workplace can be one of the most - if not the most - telling aspect of how others in the company look at you and feel about you as a coworker.

A first impression can be a hard thing to shake especially if it's a bad one. In other words, once you have gotten a workplace reputation as being lazy, a slacker, a whiner or other negative tag, it can be hard to get rid of.

Think of someone you've worked with who perhaps didn't work as hard as you expected them to and then think about how you felt about every time you had to work with them.

Attitude In The Workplace: How Your Work Attitude Can Define You

Perception is often reality and once people get an idea in their head about someone or something, it can be difficult to get them to think differently.

In my experience, your attitude in the workplace can sometimes define you more than the work you actually produce if your coworkers come to see you as someone who is reliable, competent, intelligent and someone that they can rely on.

One of the worst feelings can be to work with people who don't seem to care and don't appear to pull their own weight.

When I think about people I've worked with who I've seen in a positive light, they tend to be people who outwardly display a positive attitude in the workplace.

They tend to take the initiative and are reliable. They are someone that you look forward to working with. They don't complain or bad mouth their company or coworkers and basically get on with the job at hand. They don't wander around bothering other people because they aren't doing their own job.

Basically, they are people who would be missed if they left the company.

Having formerly worked for a company that regularly laid off staff, I can tell you that the people who were let go first were often those who were generally regarded as being staff who didn't display these positive traits and therefore weren't seen as being employees who needed to remain employed.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Talk to People - 9 Super Success Tips

We admire those who know how to talk to people, or have the innate ability to easily engage in a conversation even in an unfamiliar gathering. Others believe that some are born with the natural ability to talk to people or they have what they call the gift of the gab. However, the ability to talk or convey ideas whether in a small group or up on stage before a large audience is not an innate ability but an acquired skill. It can be learned, enhanced, and perfected. All you need are the right information and the determination to do it.

Were you disappointed before because you were not born with the gift? Then worry no more and start to learn the skill. To begin with, here are some helpful tips on how to talk to people.

1. Be presentable. You do not need to get the best couturier in town to have you packaged. All you have to do is to be dressed appropriately. It is one way of building your self-confidence and it will help you to act confidently.

How to Talk to People - 9 Super Success Tips

2. Keep a pocket full of information. Be up to date with the current events, and keep a mental list of good topics of discussion. These are handy tools to keep you ready to talk to almost anybody.

3. Get yourself centered and focused. This is a basic if we want to establish connection with the person or people we are talking to. Develop the ability to shake off recent events that somehow ruined your day. Take a few minutes if you need to before engaging in any conversation.

4. Be respectful. Respect the feelings, emotions and opinions of others. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it is healthy to agree that we disagree. Let every one have their moment to be heard and sincerely listen to them. That way it would give them a sense of importance.

5. Maintain eye contact. It is one way of showing interest in the person we are talking to. Women, they say, maintain eye contact more than men but men could acquire the skill through practice. Movements or stray thoughts tend to sidetrack a person. Be aware of them and learn to ignore them.

6. Listen. Listening is a serious business. It is easy to talk and talk but we defeat the purpose and lose the chance of establishing rapport. There are
situations that are more important where active listening is imperative. You will not miss the cue for your turn if you listen attentively.

7. Establish rapport. It is not an easy thing but sincerity is the key that unlocks the door in establishing rapport. Synchronizing behavior or mimicking the pose, facial expression, gestures, body language, and tone of voice of the other person are ways of building rapport.

8. Adopt a positive attitude. Make sure your words, tone and gestures are all saying the same thing. Find out what you have in common, or if you seem to have nothing in common, adjust. Try to become the other person for a short time.

9. Always ask an open ended question. This will help the continuous flow of conversation and will help you and the group to keep the encounter alive and flowing with information.

Discovering how to connect with others and employing these strategies will make one successful in talking to people. Talk means to express, exchange ideas by means of spoken words or to convey information or communicate in any way. Take these simple steps and you are sure to make the act of talking to people fascinating and memorable for all. One day someone may come up to you and ask where you learned how to talk to people.

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Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available only at: conversation starters

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Six Year Old Attitudes, Bad Behavior and Temper Tantrums

Does your 6 year old have an attitude? Have you ever heard of the Terrible 6's? Not frequently written about but commonly experienced behavior is the six year old and their smart-alec attitude. This behavior emerges anywhere from kindergarten to 1st grade and lasts for 1-2 years. It is characterized by a "know it all" attitude, high self esteem, talking back to adults and the belief that they can do anything. Be reassured that this is a normal stage in your child's life and, in time, it will pass. Parents can survive this stage by consistent rules and discipline.

This stage of social emotional development occurs because of the tremendous growth in their abilities at this age. They are feeling very intelligent from the learning they are doing in school and the attention they receive from their teachers and other adults. They are reading, spelling and learning a lot about the world around them. They feel smart and therefore, act smart.

Typically, your child will be well behaved at school, following the rules without difficulty. At home however, their attitude rears it's ugly head and parents are hit by surprise. This stage is not really a negative time but parents do have to get a handle on the know it all attitude and the talking back. It is important to be consistent with discipline at this stage and set clear guidelines about unacceptable behavior. Your child will quickly learn that they will receive more positive attention from you if they are respectful of you and others.

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Ann Lewis, ARNP, MHCI, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Mental Health Counseling Intern, Certified Life Coach (CTA), Expert Author. Employed by Community Christian Counseling Center & Palm Beach Pediatrics. Blog: Child's Play Parenting

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Improve Self Esteem With Positive Thinking

It is important that you learn how to improve self esteem through positive thinking. If you have been feeling bad about yourself, you need to start changing the way you think. Positive thinking is a wonderful way to build your self esteem without having to make drastic life changes.

You may find that you have a little voice that goes on in your head, commenting about everything that you do or about to do. That little voice can be highly self critical and negative. You may not realize that you should take control of what the voice says. By changing the way you think, you'll change that little voice along with it. Positive thinking is the first step to changing your own opinion of you. When you have a better opinion about yourself, others will also have a better opinion about you.

Begin to improve your self esteem by starting small. It cannot be that you wake up one morning to plenty of self love and singing your own praises. Having negative thoughts can come as a result of past habits. Remember, too, that negative programming did not happen overnight either. To get rid of negative programming for positive thinking, time is required. You need to educate, dedicate and practice as often as you can.

Improve Self Esteem With Positive Thinking

To improve self esteem, make a list of all your positive attributes. It does not matter if they are physical attributes that you like about yourself or talents you have. Challenge yourself to add one positive comment about yourself every day. Look for opportunities to affirm yourself positively. Pat yourself on the back when you have accomplished something well, instead of looking at the things that you have failed to achieve. As your list grows, you improve your self esteem and positive thinking takes over your mind.

You also need to be aware of outside influences that can have an impact on your self-esteem and thoughts. If you are surrounded by some negative friends, then try to avoid them until you are confident enough about yourself. When you are trying your best to improve your self esteem, the furthest thing you want is to be around people with equally low opinions about themselves.

Think about helping others. When you help others, you feel better that you can make a difference. This helps to improve self esteem and in turn, helps you to develop more positive thinking.

Every once in a while, you may find yourself slipping into negativity. Do not beat yourself over it. It is perfectly natural. Simply go back to your list of feel goods. Note to yourself how much you have improved. Cancel out all negative thoughts right away. Replace the negative self-talk with positive ones. Everyone will falter on occasion; it is knowing what to do when this happens that is important.

Constantly remind yourself of how special and important you are, to improve your self esteem. Make a decision to replace negative with positive thinking. You will soon find that life is pretty enjoyable when you start to view things with a different set of lens.

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Evelyn Lim is a life coach and an intuitive consultant, with a passion for helping others raise their vibrational state of being for attracting abundance. She shares self help tips on topics such as creating self awareness, positive thinking, meditation and spirituality. Her newsletter is currently read by thousands of subscribers. For free bonuses on manifesting secrets, mp3 downloads and fresh weekly tips, please sign up to her Abundance Tapestry newsletter.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10 Tips to Boost Your Positive Energy

Wouldn't it be great to pop out of bed in the morning, have flowing energy throughout your day without any caffeine or candy bars, accomplish everything you want, and feel great? For most people this would be a dream--we could all use more energy!

I'll share with you 10 simple tips to boost your energy each day. The key is consistency. You need to do these things regularly to feel the cumulative effects.

1. Plan important activities when you have the most energy.

10 Tips to Boost Your Positive Energy

This is one of my favorite tips. Plan your schedule around your energy level. Choose activities and projects that are naturally energy producing at your low points in the day. If you drag in the morning, plan one of your more enjoyable activities first thing. It may take some time to transition your schedule but it will be worth it!

2. Do the work you love.

Nothing is as energy increasing as passion and enthusiasm. If you have no interest in your work, it's unlikely that you'll ever have optimal energy. This doesn't mean that you must love everything you do but at least some of it must utilize your natural talents and interests.

3. Boost your energy by getting regular exercise.

This certainly does not come as a surprise to you. You know that you exercise makes you feel good and boosts your energy. You just need to do it--regularly.

4. Know your personality style.

Your personality determines what is energy draining or producing for you. If you're naturally an introvert you typically recharge by quiet time on your own. If you're naturally an extrovert, you typically gain energy by social time with others.

5. Eat right and watch your energy soar.

This is another one of those tips that you already know but, if you're like most people, probably aren't doing. A diet rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber will help you sustain energy and avoid the sugar roller coaster that you get when you eat sugary snacks.

6. Keep the big picture in mind.

It's easy to get caught up in the moment of stressful situations and feel exhausted. If, however, you remember the big picture including why you're motivated to achieve your goal or why the small stuff isn't that important, you'll feel energized.

7. Drink water.

One of the most common causes of fatigue is dehydration. We often mistakenly assume that we're hungry but the fatigue culprit is often thirst.

8. Celebrate and reward achievements.

The more you focus on your achievements, both large and small, the more success focused you will become. This will help you achieve more and all this achievement is sure to boost energy.

9. Avoid energy-vampires.

You know these types of people. Just being in their presence seems to drain your energy in the blink of an eye. Use assertiveness skills and limit your time with them.

10. Take physical and mental breaks.

Monotony is exhausting. Periodically give yourself a break by a few moments of mindless activity and quick stretching exercises or walking.

If some of these tips stand out to you as more energizing or practical, select those and focus on implementing them consistently. You'll get and keep your energy flowing.

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Larina Kase, PsyD, MBA is the author or coauthor of 6 books including the New York Times bestseller The Confident Speaker (McGraw-Hill, 2007). Get many more tips on how to land a book deal, get quoted in the media, and get booked as a speaker at []

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Positive Self Talk - What Should You Say?

How do you explain things to yourself? With positive self talk or negative? What we say to ourselves radically affects the quality of our lives, and our ability to do things effectively. How useful is it to always tell yourself "impossible," "more problems," "never," and "I can't?"

Below are some of the things that positive and negative people say. Look at the difference, and start talking to yourself in constructive ways, if you don't already.

Negative Self Talk

Positive Self Talk - What Should You Say?

When negative people explain bad things, they internalize them ("It's me again."), consider them permanent ("It's always this way."), and generalize ("Life sucks."). When they explain good things, they externalize them ("That's just lucky."), consider them temporary ("That went well TODAY."), and see them only in a specific context ("At least THIS went right.").

"I screwed up again."

"This good weather won't last."

"It's ALWAYS a mess when I meet someone new."

"This party is great, not like mine."

"This is fun for now."

"Well, THAT went okay, I guess."

Positive Self Talk

When positive people explain bad things, they externalize them ("The weather caused it."), consider them temporary ("That was a rough couple hours."), and see them as isolated ("THAT part of the plan didn't work, but..."). When they explain good things, they internalize them ("Life is great!"), consider them to be more or less permanent changes ("Now I know how to do this."), and generalize from them ("Things are working out well.").

"That just went bad due to the weather."

"It was rough for an hour or two."

"The car broke down, but the trip was fun."

"I've done well with this."

"This has become a great business to be in."

"I like the way things are going."

Explain things to yourself differently, and you'll see a difference in your attitude today. Make positive self talk your normal mode of operation, and you'll see a difference in your life.

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Steve Gillman writes on many topics including brainpower, weight loss, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. Learn more and get FREE e-courses at

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Positive Attitude - Are You Setting Yourself Up For a Bad Day?

Your attitude towards life can make you or break you. Your attitude determines your experience in life. It determines how people respond to you and whether you will be a success or a failure!

Now, by your attitude, I mean your disposition towards yourself, other people and things.

Let's observe how your attitude affects your life.

Positive Attitude - Are You Setting Yourself Up For a Bad Day?

When you wake up in the morning, do you drag yourself out of bed and moan, "Oh my God, another day. I sure hate to have to go to work. I hate my boss. I hate my job! I'm so discouraged. I'm so tired. I don't feel well...etc. etc."

If those are your first thoughts in the morning, your attitude toward life is negative. People around you will sense your negative mood and will respond negatively. Your whole day will probably turn out bad!

Life meets you exactly the way you meet life!

When you meet life cheerfully and lovingly, life will meet you that way.

Your positive attitude will cause everyone and everything to respond to you in a positive way!

"But, Rev. Ike, when I wake up, I'm in a bad mood, I'm tired, I'm angry, I'm depressed, I'm anxious, how do I turn that around ... how do I control my thoughts and feelings?"

Consider this for a starter:

How do you think your day would be if, when you woke up in the morning you shouted out loud:


That would shock your emotions into the right attitude, wouldn't it?

Now it might be too much for some of you to shout at yourself first thing in the morning, so some of you calmer types can try the following:

Every morning when you wake up, start thinking about the plans you have for the day.

And say the following affirmation out loud to yourself

(be sure to SAY IT WITH FEELING - say it like you mean it):

"I have opened my eyes and I am going to get up now.

I am going to go out into the world and I will perhaps meet many people. I am going to meet them positively and joyfully.

I am going to meet many kinds of conditions, circumstances, and situations, and I am going to meet each of them with a positive, peaceful and joyful attitude.

For today, I gladly let go of all feelings of anger and criticism. I gladly let go of all hatreds and hurtreds. Today, I choose to see everyone (including myself) through eyes of love and compassion.

My mind is at peace. I trust myself. I am having a good day starting right now. Thank you Father!"

You try saying that. And don't just mouth the words. Feel the feelings.

Say it with emotion, say it with conviction - convince yourself! And if you aren't convinced the first time -- say it again until you believe it!

Do this and the message will get through to your subconscious mind!

You'll be amazed at the difference it will make in your day.

It will work for you -- it must work for you -- the Laws of Mind Science guarantee it!

You see, in this philosophy we are not dealing with blind faith or dumb luck. We are dealing with science. Science of Living is a technology for living, because it teaches you how to determine the circumstances and situations in your life.

Remember, every day you can meet life knowing if your day is going to be successful or not, by first asking yourself "How am I going to meet life today? Am I setting myself up for a bad day or a good day?"

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Now, I want to send you my powerful life-changing FREE e-book, "Thinkonomics", that teaches you how to use your God-given mind power to get what you want out of life by using my Mind Science techniques of self-awareness, visualization, affirmation and repetition. I'll also send you my free 7-lesson e-course "Visualization - How to Make It Work For You", plus as a bonus gift, a Powerful AUDIO Visualization Prayer Treatment that will automatically condition your mind for health, happiness and abundance.

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Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter is better known as REVEREND IKE, "The Success and Prosperity Preacher." Using practical Mind Science techniques, he has taught millions of people to be masters of their own mind and their circumstances by changing their self-image, thoughts and attitudes.

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