Monday, August 13, 2012

Celebrate Your Life With Gratitude and a Positive Attitude

Gratitude is many things.

Did you know that to celebrate is to experience gratitude? In fact, celebration is intensified gratitude.

Positive Attitude

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Did you know that there is a spiritual quality to gratitude? A quality that recognizes we are all connected to each other in a mysterious, miraculous and almost magical way?

Celebrate Your Life With Gratitude and a Positive Attitude

Did you also know that gratitude is much more than the simple act of saying thank you? In fact there is so much empowerment within one who truly understands, appreciates and lives with gratitude that it actually changes their whole outlook on life to one that is incredibly positive, enlightening and happy.

Gratitude is the act of intellectually recognizing, willingly acknowledging and emotionally appreciating such things as the kindness of others, gifts bestowed upon us, or the beauty of a grand, majestic mountain. We have all felt the power of these feelings at one time or another in our lives.

We do not necessarily need to take in the awesome wonderment of the Grand Canyon to experience a feeling of immense peace and calmness; in fact, we can grasp that feeling anytime and anywhere if we train ourselves to think with a gracious attitude. That's truly all it takes. Gratitude is to feel the beauty of life in everything, from the simple things and the small things to the breathtaking beauty of mountainous landscapes and the grandiose accomplishments of human beings. We don't need to look far. It's all around us and most importantly, it's within us.

With all the negative news that is constantly is constantly broadcast in any number of forums (and for sure the more gruesome the headline, the louder it's shouted or displayed!), it's no wonder people become bogged down and often lack the time or energy to express their gratitude, much less think about it. Furthermore, we are surrounded by the, "I want this now!" or; "I needed this yesterday!" kind of demands, both at work and at home. These attitudes, if unchecked, can gradually consume our lives leaving us stressed and tired at the end of each day.

Has it really come to that? No time or energy to appreciate the value of all that is around us? No quality time to spend with our family and friends? No time to appreciate the value of ourselves and to recognize all of the things that we can and do contribute in life? Is there really less to be grateful for? Is there any reason for us not to choose to face each day with a positive attitude?


As a mother and as a woman with a very busy career, I will acknowledge that it might appear that way at times. The negative aspects of our world do have an effect on us. Sadly, gratitude, or feelings of graciousness and the simple act of expressing our thanks appear to be pushed aside and even lost in society's drive for more, more and more. We have created and developed amazing new technologies. And yet, many of us have failed to take the time to either acknowledge or appreciate the value of such blessings, or use them in a way that enhances our lives. I find that incredibly ironic.

Understanding the value of gratitude can change your life because it can change how you look at the world. For example, you recognize the things you can and should be grateful for. You learn how to enjoy them. Perhaps most important, you recognize how this leads to a life full of enrichment, value and contribution. Moreover, by continually recognizing and expressing gratitude you will eventually incorporate an attitude of gratitude into your own thought processes and your behavior. Gratitude becomes (and should be!) an inherent trait, something you always do because it feels good to do it! It becomes natural, a part of who you are.

When we live our lives with this kind of awareness we automatically look at our loved ones and ourselves in a positive light. We see the good in our loved ones and within ourselves. By extension we also focus on the positive aspects of all elements that affect our lives; for example, focusing on our assets vs. our debts; our physical abilities vs. our limitations, our happiness vs. our sadness, our strengths vs. our weaknesses - we see more of the positive and less of the negative. We are still aware of the negative but we choose to not direct our energy in that direction; instead, we choose to focus on the positive.

By being aware and then focusing on the positive elements of people, situations or ourselves, we attract more of that positive energy into our lives. People who display positive energy have power! Positive energy subtly encourages others we come in contact with to act in a similar, positive manner. I ask you, are you not more comfortable being around people who like to laugh, enjoy life, radiant positive energy and choose to maintain a positive attitude of gratitude no matter what the situation may be?

Of course!

We all like to be around people who generate that kind of attitude! A positive attitude of gratitude generates positive energy that encourages and motivates us. Take that positive energy and build on it! Improve your life the lives of those around you!

This all begins with our grateful acknowledgment of the world in which we live, the people with whom we share this planet; and of course, acknowledging the importance of our own being. It is that simple. Believe! You are important! We are important! The world is grateful to have us and we are certainly grateful to be a part of it! Be positive and celebrate gratitude!

Celebrate Your Life With Gratitude and a Positive Attitude

Gratitude stones, games and gratitude sticks are just some of the tools that Dr. Stacey Scott makes to help focus our thoughts, feelings and energy on to all the positive aspects of our lives. Dr. Scott's goal is to help you develop a more positive attitude; an attitude that promotes a unique sense of self awareness, self belief, self esteem, self empowerment and of course, self confidence. Her inspirational array of hand crafted products are entertaining and original! In fact, all of Dr. Scott's products make fun and unique, empowering gifts, especially for children!

Dr. Stacey Scott is a Doctor of Chiropractic, has received her fellowship of Sports Injury and Rehabilitation, and is also a certified provider of Active Release Techniques (A.R.T.)

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