Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to React When He Pulls Away - What You Must Do If Your Guy Acts Distant

Why is it that right when you think you've found the one and only man for you, he says he needs space? It's one of those questions that nag at us. It's heartbreaking to be falling in love with someone and suddenly they're constantly busy or they don't have time to see you anymore. As much as we want to believe men do this when they feel overwhelmed because they're so in love with us that's rarely the case at all. Men do this when they no longer want to be in the relationship. Knowing how to react when he pulls away can actually be the difference between keeping him and losing him for good.

In order to understand how to react when he pulls away you have to first learn why he's doing it. The sad fact of the matter is during the dating phase of a relationship many men are just fickle. One small thing can turn them off a woman in an instant. It could be anything from a comment she makes to being too clingy. If he hasn't invested too much of himself emotionally into the relationship yet, he'll simply pull back with the intention of ending the relationship down the road. Many men actually create some distance with the secret hope that the woman will get so frustrated she'll end things.

Positive Attitude

If your guy is acting distant now you can't waste time waiting to see if he'll miraculously have a change of heart and come back around. Unless you take action, that won't happen. He won't suddenly wake up one day with the realization that he can't live without you. That's why you need to take the bull by the horns and do what it takes to ensure he doesn't wander away for good.

How to React When He Pulls Away - What You Must Do If Your Guy Acts Distant

Switching the dynamic of the relationship from one of romance partners to friends can change his entire attitude. Stop putting any pressure on him to talk to you more or to contact you. Be calm about the situation. In fact, act like you don't notice his sudden need for distance at all. Just be friendly to him, without being too friendly. Don't be intimate with him at all during this time. Some men will overlook their dying feelings for a woman just so they can be intimate with her. You don't want to get caught up in that. Instead, talk to him less, be a bit standoffish and don't apply any pressure. He'll sense the shift in you and it will help him to relax. Once he sees you as someone who isn't cornering him into a relationship he'll notice more and more positive things about you. That's exactly what you need to have happen if you want to get him closer to you again.

How to React When He Pulls Away - What You Must Do If Your Guy Acts Distant

When a woman makes a critical mistake in her relationship it can damage it forever. If you've done anything that has caused your man to pull back, there is a way for you to get his interest back now.

Learn how to erase just about any mistake with your man by clicking here.

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