Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Attitude - The Power of Positive in the Workplace

o Did you know that 75% of employees are unhappy in their current job?
o Have you ever thought about how your attitude affects...
o Personality and work performance?
o Your employees, your customers, your relationships and your work environment?
o Workforce diversity, career success, and teamwork?
o Bottom-line results?

It all starts with attitude! A positive attitude is a priceless possession for personal fulfillment and career success. It is also an essential element for creating a positive workplace. It's what really matters... When we think about the basics elements of human relationships, we think primarily about the attitude we each bring to relationships, whether they are personal or professional in nature. What is the first thing you remember about someone you meet? Chances are it's their attitude!

Positive Attitude

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Noted authors, Elwood Chapman and Wil McKnight say, "The attitude you bring with you everyday will significantly affect what you can see, what you can do, and how you feel about it."
We all know what a positive attitude sounds like, but how can we define it?
Simply stated, Chapman and McKnight describe it as the way you look at things mentally, your mental focus on the world. It's never static; it's always in flux - the result of an on-going process that's dynamic and sensitive to what's going on.

Attitude - The Power of Positive in the Workplace

Events, circumstances, and messages - both positive and negative - can affect your attitude. A positive attitude can be infectious! Let's face it... no one can be positive all of the time! What we do know is that a positive attitude makes problem solving easier and the more you expect from a situation, the more success you will achieve (The High Expectancy Success Theory).

Nowhere is your positive attitude more appreciated by others than when you are at work. How does a positive attitude about diversity impact the world of business? A major change had taken place in recent years in the workforce: the generational and cultural mix of employees has become more diversified. The performance standards are the same, but the workforce mix is different. Business is complex and competitive - with comparable resources, including people. People with a positive attitude are looking up and forward and are more likely to work to higher standards of quality, safety, and productivity - individually and as a team. Working near a person with a positive attitude is an energizing experience; he/she can change the tone and morale of the department and make others feel more upbeat. Sometimes the reason people lack a positive attitude is simply that they don't realize that they have a negative one!

A positive workplace is about the people and their positive outlook about their work and the organization that make the business thrive. The war for talent exists. Do we want to hire and retain people with positive or negative attitudes? The answer is obvious...Hire for attitude; the mechanics of the job can be taught. A company gets its edge from the attitude of its people - its leaders, its supervisors, front-line, back-office, entry-level and long-term employees. Employees want to feel valued and appreciated and will most likely be more engaged and stay with an organization, as a result. The higher the engagement levels, the more their attitude barometer rises. The higher the attitude barometer rises, the more business results improve.

Building and maintaining healthy, effective relationships in all directions - with people your work for, people you work with, and people who work for you - is a key to success. Business is a team sport, that's a given. Nothing contributes more to the process of building effective work relationships than a positive attitude. More business successes are won on attitude than technical achievement. A supervisor who demonstrates and knows how to build a positive attitude can lead a departmental workforce with only average experience and skills to achieve high productivity and successful performance. It's called "teamwork" and it happens often!

It's important to remember that we all have a choice - to be either positive or negative in any situation - and we make those choices every day. By keeping our power and being aware of our own attitude and choices, we can protect ourselves from external circumstances and people's negativity. Safeguard your attitude by solving personal conflicts quickly, taking the "high road" if someone behaves unreasonably or unfairly, insulating or distancing yourself from a person with whom you have a repeated conflict, focusing on the work and changing your traffic pattern to avoid people who pull your attitude down. Remember: Your attitude belongs to you and you alone!

Be open to new people, ideas and processes that create positive changes and improved bottom-line results. The business world consists of many people who are different from you. We're dependent on each other to achieve common goals. We need to understand and work effectively with all the labor resources. Opportunities for us to learn about other generations, backgrounds and cultures broaden our perspective with new ideas, talents, and points of view - it all affects bottom-line results!
A word of caution - don't go overboard by becoming a noisy cheerleader who spends more effort on projecting your attitude than nurturing it. Above all, don't try to be someone you are not! Be who you are... Project the real thing! Be authentic!

Life is a learning journey and all we can do is to strive to do our best each day.
A wise person once said, "If you place more emphasis on keeping a positive attitude than on making money, you'll be successful and the money will take care of itself."
Be good to yourself, enjoy the ride and make a Positive Impact on your career and workplace with a positive attitude!

A Positive Workplace Means Business!

Attitude - The Power of Positive in the Workplace

Mary Jane (MJ) Paris, Founder and President of Positive Impact Consulting Services, LLC in Shelton, CT, brings a broad base of experience to her practice gained from more than 25 years in people management, sales, retail banking, training, recruiting, coaching, project management, event planning and community leadership.

With a focus on "The Positive Workplace," MJ and Positive Impact specialize in leadership and professional development programs, speaking engagements, and small business coaching that bring "Positive Energy" to your workplace. Engage employees, maximize productivity, improve customer service and business results...


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Left Handed Facts - Seven Positive Reasons For Being Left Handed

Left handed facts tend to be comical or negative in nature. These seven positive facts will not only make you smile, but should make you proud of being left handed.

1. When at school or any activity that you're asked if you're lefty don't be embarrassed, but feel privileged because you will usually get one-on-one attention (that's a good thing).

Positive Attitude

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2. Time Magazine's Person of the Century Albert Einstein was a left hander. His contributions to science and technology were without question, important advances for mankind. Throw his name out if someone's making fun of us lefties.

Left Handed Facts - Seven Positive Reasons For Being Left Handed

3. If you're a southpaw baseball player then when you bat and complete your swing you are already facing first base and thus have a head start over right handers. A left handed pitcher can keep an eye on first base during his wind-up and keep a runner from stealing second. A first basemen who is a lefty can cover a large amount of the field with their glove on the right hand and they also have an advantage when throwing to second base for a double play.

4. Some of the wealthiest people are left handed (i.e. Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey continue to rank at the top of the richest people in the world and yes they are southpaws). A recent study revealed that lefties with college education earned 10 to 15 percent more than their right handed counterparts

5. New research suggests that left handed people often perform better than right handers at fast or difficult tasks that involve lots of information or stimuli. Lefties may be better at playing fast computer games, talking while driving in heavy traffic and flying a jet fighter - activities that need both hemispheres of the brain to process information quickly.

6. Southpaw drivers are apparently more successful at learning to drive than right handed people. As many as 57% of left handers pass their driving test first time compared with only 47% of right handers, a poll for the AA Driving School found.

7. Lefties have a tactical advantage in one-on-one competition. Studies suggests that because lefties are in the minority, right-handed opponents are not use to the way they fight, and the element of surprise gives lefties an advantage.

So there you have it, Seven Positive reasons for being Left Handed.

Left Handed Facts that should make you feel better about being part of the ten percent of the population that are in their right minds. :)

Left Handed Facts - Seven Positive Reasons For Being Left Handed

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Friday, July 27, 2012

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Positive mental health is a great way to ensure you lead a long, happy and healthy life. Maintaining your mental health is easier than most people think and will have a significant impact on your everyday life.

Would you like to have more energy? What about a good night sleep? How you would like to go an entire year without catching the flu once? Achieving a positive mental health state will not guarantee these things, but it sure will help.

Positive Attitude

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Here are the top 5 things you can do to help promote positive mental health in you and your children:

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

1. Eat Healthy. Eating fast food 3 times a week and downing a few cold ones before bed might be easier than making a home-cooked meal and more enjoyable than drinking a cold glass of water but it won't do a whole lot for your health. Eating home-cooked foods (especially fruits and vegetables) and staying away from the fast food joints will help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire.

2. Drink Lots of Water. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, average individuals are expected to consume at least eight glasses of water a day. And while this seems like it may be a lot, it's actually not. Eight glasses is almost equivalent to filling up your water bottle a few times between waking up and going to bed. Remember, if you work out, you will need to increase your water intake to compensate for the water you're burning off while exercising. Drinking water will detoxify your body and restore it back to a healthy state - especially after drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

3. Kick the Bad Habits. We've already mentioned it a few times but eliminating significant alcohol intake will have positive results on your mental health. Likewise, kicking other bad habits like smoking and drinking considerable amounts of coffee will also help keep your mental health at its best.

4. De-Stress. Stress is one of the leading causes for poor mental health. When you're stressed out, your body has to work harder to keep up and, overtime, it will take its toll on your body and your brain. Next time something stressful happens, try lighting some candles and taking a bath. If that doesn't work for you, try letting off some steam by going to the gym or going for a run. Keeping a positive frame of mind will promote positive mental health and eliminate undue stress on your brain.

5. Book Regular Check-ups. Unfortunately, you can do all of the things listed above and still suffer from mental health problems. In fact, you might have a mental illness and not even know it. Make sure you're mental health is in good condition by booking regular appointments with your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether you're lifestyle is healthy or identify where you may need to make some changes.

5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health

Adella Klein is dedicated to Healthy Living and wants to be the same. When she's not speaking to adults and children in her community about the importance of positive Mental Health, she's sharing her knowledge with the world by contributing to One Healthy Lifestyle.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Keeping a Positive Attitude When Life Gets You Down

So your ship didn't come in because it sprung a leak and sank instead. Something you hoped for didn't materialize, or you've suffered a loss. Something crummy comes your way.

It's very tempting and easy to lapse into lethargy and become immobilized. In fact, that's the response of the majority of the people out there. So if you really want an extra edge over everyone else that will help ensure your success, become one of the few who are able to persevere in spite of setbacks.

Positive Attitude

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It's fine to take some time to grieve or to just plain mope. But at some point, and probably sooner than you think you're ready, it's time to pull yourself together and forge ahead.

Keeping a Positive Attitude When Life Gets You Down

Here are some strategies to help you get back on track:

1. Start filling your personal hopper. This means to start initiating things that might come back to you or that might grow into something of value. For example, if your job has gone from bad to worse, update your resume and start sending it out. Start an internet business on the side. Enroll in a course to upgrade your skills. Order something exciting by mail order. Plan a trip. These are all seeds to plant for the future. Just taking these steps will energize you and give you a sense of optimism, because you have things to look forward to.

2. Schedule a night out with friends or with a loved one. Even if you don't feel like it, force yourself to do this. Go see a movie or try a restaurant you've been wanting to visit. You don't have to discuss your problems if you don't want to; often the camaraderie and sense of support is enough.

3. Start a project unrelated to your problem. For instance, start cleaning out the garage and getting it organized. Learn to knit, and make a scarf for a loved one. Commit to a running program. When you pull your focus away from your problem, it actually makes you more open to creative solutions. Often they'll come to you, unbidden, while you're engaged in an unrelated activity.

If you already know what brings you out of a funk, capture these strategies in a list somewhere. The next time you're struggling and need a lift, consult this list and take action. Sometimes you absolutely have to force yourself to do this. (It's similar to how we want to slap that perky person who insists on telling us to have a terrific day when we're feeling grumpy.) But if you force yourself, the momentum will kick in, and your attitude will improve.

And when your attitude improves, ideas and solutions are more likely to come to you.

Keeping a Positive Attitude When Life Gets You Down

Holly Zenith's mission is to help women go from where they are now to where they want to be. She is particularly passionate about helping women leave unsatisfactory jobs to pursue their true passions. Please visit her at [http://www.hollyzenith.com/sq.html].

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Business Opportunities Expand With a Great Attitude

Business opportunities expand with a great attitude. Have you noticed how a great attitude affects everything you do. When you are in an up mood and you work on line or off you can accomplish so much more. It is just a way that you can keep yourself motivated.

Thinking positive will set your imagination in over drive so you can be more creative and productive. If you are not in the right frame of mind then you will not get the tasks at hand done quite as well if you had been. Set aside time to use for creative measures that you can use on your website. You will find writing articles will help you trigger some of your goals.

Positive Attitude

Then all you need to do is complete the tasks that will fulfill the goal you have set. Marketing is hard work on line and you will need to know there can be set backs, everything is not going to work the right way the first time. When you do run into obstacles in your work at home business just know they are obstacles but you can hurdle over them with patience. Google is a good outlet if you need help with any marketing tools or ideas, put the information in and then you can read what has helped others in their work at home business.

Business Opportunities Expand With a Great Attitude

Sometimes it is better to walk away from the computer and let yourself rest and settle down. When you come back the problems will be so much easier to take care of. Just like the gambler said we just need to know when to hold and when to fold. Same with any job their are productive times of the day.

With a great positive attitude you will succeed in your work at home business opportunity. When someone else is having a bad day keep them up with good words or a lively joke. I love humor and when one person replied to my daily joke with "very droll" I had to look it up. It's a word that means dry humor but shes from another part of the world so she didn't really mean anything but it was funny. Learning every day even simple things keep our brains working and this is what keeps us from going stale as bread.

Business Opportunities Expand With a Great Attitude

© Diana Rickett (Lady Di)
D & G Home Business Partners

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Origin And Development Of Guidance And Counseling Practice In Tanzanian Schools

1.0. Overview

1.1. Background and History of Guidance and Counseling in General in School Practice and other setting

Positive Attitude

The history of school counseling formally started at the turn of the twentieth century, although a case can be made for tracing the foundations of counseling and guidance principles to ancient Greece and Rome with the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle. There is also evidence to argue that some of the techniques and skills of modern-day guidance counselors were practiced by Catholic priests in the middle ages, as can be seen by the dedication to the concept of confidentiality within the confessional. Near the end of the sixteenth century, one of the first texts about career options appeared: The Universal Plaza of All the Professions of the World, (1626) written by Tomaso Garzoni quoted in Guez, W. & Allen, J. (2000). Nevertheless, formal guidance programs using specialized textbooks did not start until the turn of the twentieth century.

Origin And Development Of Guidance And Counseling Practice In Tanzanian Schools

Counseling is a concept that has existed for a long time in Tanzania. We have sought through the ages to understand ourselves, offer counsel and develop our potential, become aware of opportunities and, in general, help ourselves in ways associated with formal guidance practice. In most communities, there has been, and there still is, a deeply embedded conviction that, under proper conditions, people can help others with their problems. Some people help others find ways of dealing with, solving, or transcending problems as Nwoye, (2009) prescribed in his writings. In schools, presently if the collaboration between teachers and students is good, students learn in a practical way. Young people develop degrees of freedom in their lives as they become aware of options and take advantage of them. At its best, helping should enable people to throw off chains and manage life situations effectively. Unprecedented economic and social changes have, over the years, changed the ways in which we manage our lives. Consequently, not all the lessons of the past can effectively deal with the challenges of modern times. Effective counseling, especially in institutions of learning has now become important. Boys and girls, and young men and women, need to be guided in the relationships between health and the environment, earning skills, knowledge, and attitudes that lead to success and failure in life. The need for counseling has become paramount in order to promote the well-being of the child. Effective guidance and counseling should help to improve the self-image of young people and facilitate achievement in life tasks. Counseling should empower girls and boys to participate fully in, and benefit from, the economic and social development of the nation.

2.0. Definitions of Concepts

2.1. Guidance

Guidance is an act of showing the way for some people, like adolescents, who cannot find the right path. It is directing, pointing, leading and accompanying. Guidance is saying "Yes" to someone who is asking for help. It is saying "Yes" to an invitation of someone who wants a temporary companion along life's way.

Guidance is giving directions to the lonely, confused, unloved, the suffering, the sick and the lost. It is pointing to some possibilities of thinking, feeling and acting. It is leading the person psychologically, emotionally and even spiritually to some newer ways of meaningful living. It is accompanying those who are fearful and uncertain, those who need someone along the rugged path of life's journey.

From an objective point of view, guidance is part and parcel of the counseling profession. It is called directive counseling. High school and even college students need guidance when they are unsure of what choices to make or what directions to take. The guidance counselor "opens up" a world of choices for these persons for them to choose from. It is like presenting the universe when all that a person sees is the lonely planet earth. The guidance counselor enlarges and widens the horizon of people who sees only a narrow path or a concealed view of that path. Thus, the focus is on possibilities and choices.

Usually, guidance occurs in schools. High school and college students avail of guidance and counseling services in their school. More often, young people are unsure of what to do, how to react or respond, and how to act in certain choices. When this occurs, they need someone older, wiser and more experienced to show them the way, to guide them. This is the role of the guidance counselor to extend assistance when necessary to those who are confused, uncertain, and needing advice. However, some adults may need guidance too.

2.2. Counseling:

Counseling is guiding and more. It is a way of healing hurts. It is both a science and an art. It is a science because to offer counsel, advice or assistance, the counselor must have the knowledge of the basic principles and techniques of counseling. The counselor must be able to use any of these basic principles and techniques as paradigms in order for him to counsel well. However, it is not enough to use know these basic principles and techniques. The other important aspect is for the counselor to know how to counsel-the art of counseling. This aspect considers counseling as a relationship, as a sharing of life, in the hope that the person who is hurting will be healed. As a relationship, counseling involves the physical, emotional, and psychical or spiritual dimensions. The counselor must have the ability to relate to the counselee in an appropriate physical manner without being too intimate or too close for comfort or being too distant or aloof. The emotional dimension in counseling includes empathy, sensitivity and the ability to interpret non-verbal clues of the counselee in order to understand unresolved complexes or pent-up feelings. The psychical or spiritual dimension embraces the counselee's "soul-content"---what lies inside. This is what is called the interiority of the person. The counselor must have the gift or grace of catching a glimpse of the interior world of the person, particularly his spiritual condition, for this is very important in healing the person's hurts.

2.3. Other Definitions of the Concepts

Biswalo (1996) defines guidance as a term used to denote the process of helping an individual to gain self understanding and self direction (self decision-making) so that he can adjust maximally to his home, school or community environment. This process, however, depends on counseling. He also defines counseling as a process of helping an individual to accept and use information and advice so that he can either solve his present problem or cope with it successfully. He goes further remarking that sometimes the process helps the individual to accept unchangeable situation for example, loss of dearly loved ones and to some extent change it in its favour rather than letting himself be overcome by the situation. Guez and Allen (2000) remarked that it is difficult to think of a single definition of counseling. This is because definitions of counseling depend on theoretical orientation. Counseling is a learning-oriented process, which occurs usually in an interactive relationship, with the aim of helping a person learn more about the self, and to use such understanding to enable the person to become an effective member of society. Counseling is a process by means of which the helper expresses care and concern towards the person with a problem, and facilitates that person's personal growth and brings about change through self-knowledge. Counseling is a relationship between a concerned person and a person with a need. This relationship is usually person-to-person, although sometimes it may involve more than two people. It is designed to help people to understand and clarify their views, and learn how to reach their self-determined goals through meaningful, well-informed choices, and through the resolution of emotional or interpersonal problems. It can be seen from these definitions that counseling can have different meanings.

3.0. Origin of Guidance and Counseling Practice in Pre-Colonial Era

Counseling in Tanzania in different forms and with different interpretations, has existed in societies for a long time before colonial era. The differences and contradictions in present-day, have their origin in the social and historical forces that have shaped modern culture. In Tanzania people in all societies, and at all times, have experienced emotional or psychological distress and behavioural problems. In each culture, there have been well established ways and methods of helping individuals with their problems. However, there are no sufficient written sources about the origin of guidance and counseling practice in Tanzanian schools. But like other places before colonial era there were outstanding unique elements which held the societies together in their livelihood. The elements include the extended family system, including the clan and the tribe, chieftaincy, taboos, various forms of initiation and close links with ancestors and elders.

The village is the focal point of society. While each one of these elements is important, only a few are used to illustrate the role of guidance and counseling in present-day Tanzanian societies. Basically, traditional chiefs had multiple roles which included serving as a symbol of authority and as a regulator. Since these roles were accepted and respected by all, there was a clear direction in the day-to-day affairs of society. The elders, the chief included, were a valuable source of guidance and counseling for boys and girls. In most cases, the chiefs were regarded as a vital link between ancestors and the present generation. This link was strengthened by the rituals, ceremonies and taboos attached to them. It was easy to guide and counsel the young, since the rituals or ceremonies were also aimed at preparation for adult roles in society. The extended family, the clan, and the village, made society supportive. No individual regarded him/herself as alien. Counseling was readily sought and provided. The forms of guidance and counseling involved were given advice and sharing wisdom.

4.0. The Developments of Guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools

4.1. Guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools Trends

In realizing this perhaps, since we are thinking of the concepts in school setting, we should think the meaning of counseling in education discipline. One could think that the definitions given above on the term guidance and counseling, their meaning can be directed to education grounds and now give the meaning correctly. Guez and Allen (2000) pointed out that a term educational counseling was first coined by Truman Kelley in 1914 in Makinde, (1988), educational counseling is a process of rendering services to pupils who need assistance in making decisions about important aspects of their education, such as the choice of courses and studies, decisions regarding interests and ability, and choices of college and high school. Educational counseling increases a pupil's knowledge of educational opportunities.

The ever growing complexity of society in Tanzania, coupled with social problems like HIV/AIDS and the rapid development of science and technology, place heavy demands on education. The school, as an important social institution, was required to adapt quickly to changing patterns, and help prepare citizens for tomorrow's challenges. That is where guidance and counseling in the educational system should help boys and girls alike, to develop their capacities to the full. These include intellectual, social, physical and moral capacities. This help is of the most important in Tanzania as long as the history and age of education provision and in its systems found today.

Guidance and counseling practices development in Tanzanian schools can be traced back from the time when vocational education was emerging right at the colonial period. In the process of establishing counseling services in Tanzania, there was a need to first understand the underlying factors that influence people's beliefs and perceptions about such practices. However, this is thought that was not taken in to consideration at the time and it may be up to recent time. It is especially important to understand the economic, socio-political, religious beliefs, customs and traditions, and cultural changes that are present in different regions of the country. Young people should be understood within this context, but also within the paradoxical situation of having to face the traditional and the modern world, but this is a big challenge to Tanzania and many developing African countries. During colonial period there were some form of vocational guidance under the career guidance and it was administered by career masters. But the career masters who were selected by the head of schools had no professional training in vocational guidance. In fact the duty was limited to helping students fill out employment forms and writing letters of application. In the missionary schools vocational guidance was confined to religious services. The teachers who were usually 'fathers', pastors, or reverends guided and trained spiritually inclined youths to become sisters, brothers, fathers and pastors upon their completion of formal education.

Apart of what could be done in schools in Tanzania, guidance and counseling was more or less a private family affair. Parents and relatives counseled their children on all matters of life management and problem solving. It is true that in many families the duty of general guidance was the traditional duty of senior members of the family, father, mother, uncle, aunt, and grandparents. In case of serious personal or family problems, counseling was done by a specially organized by the community as a competent in handling that specific problem. This is done without any knowledge obtained from formal or informal school system but rather through experience and age wise through collected wisdom. This kind of early form of counseling from school setting and community helped the young to be brought into the bright image of living in the future to the society.

4.2. Guidance and Counseling Practices in Tanzanian Schools in Post-colonial era

In several literatures and sources, guidance and counseling in education sector in Tanzania and some other African countries is regarded as the youngest discipline. This is evidenced by First International Conference on Guidance, Counseling and Youth Development in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya from 22nd to 26th April, 2002 which pointed out that the Guidance, Counseling and Youth Development Programme was initiated in Africa in April 1994, following the First Pan African Conference on the Education of Girls that was held in Ouagadougou in 1993. It is designed to introduce or strengthen guidance and counseling in African countries. It focuses on capacity building in the countries involved and provides training at both regional and national levels on issues of guidance and counseling of schools and colleges.

What we can call professional guidance and counseling in Tanzania schools begin in the year 1984 following the National October 1984 Arusha Conference, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's education system (Biswalo, 1996). The aim of the conference is to establish systematic criteria for secondary schools students' guidance and counseling. Students were then advised, guided and counseled on matters concerning their job selection and student placement for further education. This job was assigned to career masters and mistresses as explained below, however, there were no sufficient guidance and counseling personnel not only in the responsible ministry but also in the schools.

Guidance and Counseling is now becoming slowly institutionalized and spread in educational institutions. Schools, for example, have to a large extent taken over the task of providing psychological support to boys and girls. However Biswalo (1996) comments that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. The Ministry of Education, however, has somehow tried to institutionalize the services within the education system by appointing career masters and mistresses. He continued saying that the personnel are charged with the responsibility of advising heads of secondary schools concerning students job selection and student placement for further education; to try and help students understands and develop interest in appropriate jobs or further education or training; to asses the students talents and capabilities and to encourage them to pursue careers or further education best suited to them and to help students solve their personal problems which may affect their general progress in school.

This is an impossible and realistic burden on these untrained personnel. It reflects the apathy of policy and decision makers regarding the new field of guidance and counseling in schools; the strength of the myth of planned manpower in which career guidance is erroneously regarded as redundant and the gross lack of trained personnel who would provide effective guidance and counseling services in schools. It is unfortunate that even after the National October 1984 Arusha Conference on the strengthening of education in Tanzania, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country's education system, the services are to-date still patchy and ineffective in Tanzania's educational institutions. Guidance and counseling in this manner is discussed by different scholars in primary, secondary and tertiary education levels together.

5.0. Guidance and Counseling Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools

In primary school levels in Tanzania in actual fact there were and are no specified pupils' teacher-counselors. However, the activity is left to teachers themselves to decide what is to be done since there is no programmed or time-tabled activity concerning guidance and counseling. Teachers are left to use part of the teaching to practice guidance and counseling in and outside the classroom although not all teachers have gone teacher-counselor training. As children enter school they need orientation on school itself, its environment, school community and the curriculum to motivate and develop positive attitude toward learning and school community as well (Biswalo, 1996). As the pupils grow older and pass through different grades they need to be directed in studying skills, overcome learning difficulties and other school related problems. But this activity is not performed systematically in primary schools in Tanzania.

In the case of secondary schools till to-date there is also insufficient programmed or time-tabled system of guiding and counseling students. In some cases this duty is left to discipline masters and sometimes to class masters and head of schools. At secondary school level, students would seek educational opportunities, information of all kinds and any other help pertinent to educational pursuits. These needs are catered to by educational guidance and counseling (ibid). At this level students are helped with subject choice, study techniques and tests and examination. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that sometimes during subject choice, pride of placing as many students as possible in prestigious streams, such as science, takes precedence over actual abilities, interests and aptitudes of students. He said this unfortunate situation has been born out of the lack of genuine educational guidance and counseling services in secondary schools.

The school has an important role to play in preparing pupils for continued secondary education, paid employment, self-employment and life in the community, as clearly set out by the Ministry of Education in the objectives for its secondary curriculum. Perhaps uniquely, there would be total agreement among pupils, teachers and parents over the relative emphasis a certain schools placed on the preparation for further education, with its focus on academic knowledge and the pursuit of success in the national examinations. That is, the secondary schools where counseling is not well performed placed little emphasis on citizenship and the development of a responsible attitude to life in the community at the local, regional or national level and employment opportunities. However, what is de-emphasized is the informal sector including self-employment but the emphasized is employment in the formal sector with its implied emphasis on white collar jobs.

5.1. Vocational, Career Guidance and Counseling

In Tanzania teachers have the capacity to directly influence their pupils' choice of careers. The achievements and attitudes of pupils have been shown to be related to the characteristics and achievements of their teachers (World Bank, 1995; quoted in Nyutu, P.N. & Norman C.G. 2008). However, the influence of the school depends on the formal interactions and communication which take place between teachers and pupils in the classroom whereas television and radio, act through the informal interactions pupils have with these media. The influence of parents and siblings is through both formal and informal means.

That is in most cases in Tanzania and may be other states where guidance and counseling is rarely done in schools; parents play the big role to influence on their children's choice of careers. Others who have lower level careers i.e. teachers, clerks, drivers, personal secretaries, soldiers etc. do not anticipate their children 'following in their footsteps' because for the children who are able to study to higher level sometimes saw these jobs as narrow and lacking in interest. However it is suggested that parents' occupation might have influenced their children's choice of careers, but this happened to children who have generic skills useful in such jobs, and a few may have job skills relevant to those jobs. Access to information through the media and other forms of technology is giving young people aspirations that, for the most part, cannot be satisfied in their own environment. Choices have to be made and young people must acquire the skills to assess situations and make informed decisions. There is no longer a natural, understandable order from birth to adulthood for the Tanzanian young.

Vocational guidance at secondary school levels is provided but in very few among others because of shortages of school or vocational trained counselors. For those lucky schools with these kinds of counselors, students are helped but vocational counseling is not emphasized because most pupils, teachers and of course parents push students to make long range plans of study so that to prepare well for the envisaged careers. These counselors plan with school administrators and teachers to provide appropriate class placement for students with special abilities or disabilities for course selection by students.

5.2. Tertiary Level

The tertiary level students are provided with orientation and other educational guidance and counseling. In Tanzania tertiary level have at least fulfilled the need of having qualified students' counselors for both psychological and academics, though they are few in number. Here counselors play a big role in compiling comprehensive information on all aspects of the careers related to the training offered in the institution. Counselors sometimes integrate with administration or practicum department to organize field practices for students and even more rarely might contacts with relevant employing agencies (Biswalo, 1996).
6.0. Notion on Guidance and Counseling in Tanzania

According to the research by Sima (2004), professional counseling is yet to be recognized as a stand-alone profession in Tanzania and in many African countries. Nevertheless, the coming and setting of HIV/Aids in the country has strengthened the base for counseling. This is particularly because of the multifaceted nature of the HIV/Aids pandemic whose attention, unlike other human diseases, goes beyond the prerogatives of the medical profession. Thus, counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for prevention of HIV infection through provision of adequate and relevant information, and for social and psychological support of people infected and affected by the pandemic. Ibid continued saying that since the emergence of the pandemic in the country, a number of non-governmental organizations have been offering counseling services however, there is lack of clarity on the type and nature of counseling services offered by these organization. The nature and characteristics of counseling clients also remain fuzzy.

In Tanzania the professional counseling as aforesaid is relatively a new phenomenon. Outwater (1995) quoted in Sima (2004) comments that before HIV/Aids epidemic, there was no formal counseling service in Tanzanian hospitals, no professional counselors and no formal system for training counselors. There was a need to fill this gap by training as many counselors as possible to provide optimal care for AIDS patients and their relatives (NACP, 1989; quoted in ibid). Since then many para-professional counselors have been trained in basic knowledge and skills of counseling. Currently there are many counseling centers working not only on HIV/Aids related problems but also different problems affecting Tanzanians. However, as counseling became popular with the advent of HIV/Aids, many people assume that it is only meant for people infected and affected by HIV/Aids and shy away from it for fear of being labeled (Sima, 2002; quoted in Sima 2004).

7.0. Problems and Challenges

The Tanzanian government have not yet formulated in the education policy issues pertaining guidance and counseling in spite of the crucially and necessity in schools. Biswalo (1996) pointed out that in Tanzania policies pertinent to guidance and counseling is still lacking. He continued saying that efforts directed towards fulfilling guidance and counseling needs are apparently thwarted by several difficulties including financial resources to support the even established tiny counseling activities in several schools.

In Tanzania till today counseling is relatively new phenomenon. There are no enough qualified counselors in schools and other education institutions. However, there are limited number of qualified counselors, they are either not utilized well in schools or they are engaged in other activities rather than what they are trained for. Some of school counselors are also teachers and they are fully occupied with teaching responsibilities. More surprisingly counseling is perceived as a crucial avenue for only prevention of HIV infection through provision of adequate and relevant information, and for social and psychological support of people infected and affected by the HIV/Aids (Sima, 2004).

There is slow growth of guidance and counseling in educational systems attributed to lack of funds, training facilities, and high turnover of guidance counselors to green pastures and in adequately trained counselors. For instance in many schools they lack counseling offices, trained teacher-counselors and counseling equipments. In terms of funds there are various options that can be explored to alleviate financial constraints. Special schools on behalf of parents in need can approach non-governmental organizations.

The absence of solid professional counseling association in Tanzania to set standards for the appropriate practice is another challenge (Nwoye, 2008). Also insufficient availability of professional counselor training programs in Tanzanian colleges and universities is another contributing challenge.

There are no efforts to establish counseling curriculum in secondary schools and colleges and guidance and counseling courses in the universities. Guidance curriculum and responsive services can then be structured to address the five content areas, namely human relationships, career development, social values, self development, and learning skills. A guidance curriculum could be taught to students at different levels or in small groups to address issues that are similar to them. For guidance and counseling programs to be effective in Tanzania, trained professionals should be employed to manage and offer services in schools. Such professionals should also be provided with relevant facilities and structural support. At the same time, universities and teacher training institutions will have to establish and develop programs that train professional school counselors and other guidance personnel.

There is still insufficient assistance in higher education institutions to enable students achieves their career aspirations. However, students today indicate a higher need for career guidance than students in the past decade. Students may therefore be encountering an increased need to acquire relevant career information that will enable them seek better paid jobs. Many schools have in the past appointed some teachers as career masters without providing them with the necessary training and facilities for career guidance. Such career masters usually assume that all students will end up in universities and only focus on helping students complete university application forms and no more. It is the high time for the government to set and implement the policy that will enhance guidance and counseling from primary schools to the tertiary level and in turn will develop programs that train professional school counselors and other guidance personnel.

8.0. Conclusion

Guidance and counseling sought to prepare pupils in their schooling program to enter into the world of appropriate work by linking the school curriculum to employment. For the school to be successful in this endeavor, subjects should be taught at a pleasant and convenient environment and should be made relevant and interesting to the pupils. Another factor that needs to be considered is the recruitment of competent teachers capable of guiding and counseling learners in relating what they teach to the job market. What is taught and how it is taught can have great influence on the interest and perception of learners. In Tanzania the spirit to plan and use guidance and counseling services in the effective development and utilization of their respective young human resources is evidently strong. However, as Biswalo (1996) said the efforts directed towards fulfilling this need are apparently thwarted by several difficulties. It appears total and enlightened commitment on the part of policy and decision makers is necessary and should be definitely surmount the problems.

The emergence of career development in western countries as a construct suggests that it may be an essential area in developing country like Tanzania where students need assistance; students particularly need assistance in selecting colleges and courses. To this end, the schools should offer a career guidance and counseling programme under the able leadership of qualified school counselors.

Origin And Development Of Guidance And Counseling Practice In Tanzanian Schools

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Media And Influence On Women Body Image

It has become obvious now that the media advertises and promotes a very unhealthy trend of extreme dieting and other bad eating habits to women. Most of media sources put on their covers images of skinny emancipated females. Doing this they influence the subconscious mind of the masses. And women continue to spend their money trying to achieve this unattainable look they constantly see in media advertising.

To try and solve this problem let's answer the next questions.

Positive Attitude

What is body image? What kind of trends in the media industry are we noticing now? How do the media influence our perception of body image? What could be the reasons behind this? What are the consequences of this kind of trend? What are some real suggestions on how to improve your body image?

Media And Influence On Women Body Image

Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body. This may have no bearing at all on your actual appearance. For instance, it is common in Western nations for women to believe they are larger and fatter than they really are. Only one in five women is satisfied with their body weight. Nearly half of all normal weight women overestimate their size and shape. A distorted body image can lead to self-destructive behavior, like dieting or eating disorders. Approximately nine out of 10 young Australian women have dieted at least once in their lives.

So, the basic trend in the media industry at the moment is to promote slim, even skinny unnatural looking women's bodies as being beautiful.

Women of all ages but especially young women look at magazines, TV, movies and other media products full of images that show skinny women's bodies. And these are perceived by the subconscious mind of young women as being a role model to follow and aspire to be like. Achieving this skinny look does not come naturally; it inevitably leads to practicing some kind of dieting, excessive exercising or abnormal eating behaviors.

Twenty years ago, the average model weighed 8 per cent less than the average woman--but today's models weigh 23 per cent less. Advertisers believe that thin models sell products. When the Australian magazine New Woman recently included a picture of a heavy-set model on its cover, it received a truckload of letters from grateful readers praising the move. But its advertisers complained and the magazine returned to featuring bone-thin models.

What could be the reason behind all this? Why has this fashion trend occurred now?
Why are standards of beauty being imposed on women, the majority of whom are naturally larger than any of the models?

The reasons for this according to some analysts, is an economic one. By presenting an ideal look which is difficult to achieve and maintain the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth 0 billion (U.S.) a year. This is a lot of money and certainly worth their while to continue to foster emancipated women as being the norm.

And the consequences of this trend are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet pills or other diet supplies.

On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.

The level of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are increasing rapidly every year. It is estimated that around 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have an eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia or binge eating some time in their life.

And about 15 per cent of all young women have significantly distorted eating attitudes and behavior that can lead to developing anorexia or bulimia in the near future.

So, what would be some real suggestions on how to improve your body image without resorting to unhealthy eating habits?

The First one is to change your goal from weight loss to just improving your health. Second, is to focus more the internal beauty like improving your self-esteem, self-confidence and internal strengths of your character.
Get informed by reading up on body image issues and self-improvement books. And give yourself a break from women's magazines and the mass media advertising for a while if you feel you maybe prone to this kind of false perceptions.

To sum up, the media does impact on women's body image significantly and it can affect women's physical and mental health in a negative way. And the only way to stop these negative effects coming from the media is to teach women not to judge themselves by the beauty industry's standards and learn not to compare themselves to the cover girls. And also it is important to promote a healthy life style with emphasis on internal beauty like improving self-esteem and self-confidence. Not on being a stick like model.


Media And Influence On Women Body Image

Dr Irina Webster is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health.

Dr Irina Webster has a wholistic approach to medicine and her favorite area is to discover natural treatments for Women health problems and share these treatments and methods with other people.

Dr Irina Webster believes that the majority of women health problems can be treated naturally without drugs or surgical treatment.

At present she does Eating Disorder natural treatment research. http://www.mom-please-help.com

Dr Irina's web-site: http://www.womenhealthsite.com

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Qualities of a Good Leader

To be a good leader means that you can inspire others to follow your example, willingly and cheerfully. A good leader will both inspire confidence and give a strong example of what we should aim for. These are the characteristics of a good leader.

1. Lead by example. If you wish your workforce to be hard working and diligent, it is important that you live up to your own ideals. There is a saying "I would never ask anybody to do something I wouldn't do myself". If your workforce see you arriving late and being unprofessional, it will make it much more difficult for them to follow your advice.

Positive Attitude

2. Humility. To lead we need to encourage others to act in a certain way. However, if we try to lead through our inflated ego people will not respect us. Rather than stressing your self, try to lead through stressing certain principles. People will be much more willing to follow a leader who embodies humility.

The Qualities of a Good Leader

3. Appreciate your Co Workers. To be a good leader, you cannot underestimate the importance of offering gratitude to those who are trying hard to do the right thing. If people get appreciation then it will definitely encourage them to continue doing the right thing. At the same time, our appreciation should be sincere. We should not flatter but look for something good a person has done.

4. Have a Clear vision. Often to lead you will need to overcome the resistance to change. If people have been doing something for a long time then they have an instinctive aversion to implementing new ideas. To introduce a new way of doing things you have to have the confidence and belief in the new way. People will definitely pick up on the belief that you have in your own vision.

5. Avoid arguments. If people criticize your approach, often the best thing to do is not get involved in arguments. You can listen to their criticism politely and thank them for their concern, but often the best approach is just to focus on the new approach; look forward and don't feel the need to defend yourself. This gives your vision certain nobility.

6. Listen to others. A good leader should try to feel part of his team rather than superior, if you listen to others, they will definitely appreciate it. Often you may find that your workers have good ideas that you can incorporate. Even if they have unworkable ideas, it is still worth giving the impression you value their opinions, even if they are not used.

7. Create a positive atmosphere. If you try to lead through creating a climate of fear, or competition, you will undoubtedly create problems. If you can lead whilst maintaining a positive attitude, it will definitely bear fruits in the long run.

8. Don't take yourself too seriously. There is no harm in admitting you can be wrong, or making a joke at your own expense. People will appreciate a leader who can admit a mistake; it is after all a human quality. But, just don't make a habit of it.

The Qualities of a Good Leader

R.J.A. Pettinger studied Politics and Economics and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. He now works as an economics teacher in Oxford. He writes frequently on issues of personal development, economics and other areas of interest. He practises meditation under the guidance of Sri Chinmoy.

Richard's site on self improvement: http://www.srichinmoybio.co.uk/blog

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Importance of Value Education

Seven sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character,commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle.

-Mahatma Gandhi

Positive Attitude

Just in case you believe that great social problems are beyond your scope, consider this story: God said to me: Your task is to build a better world. I answered: How can I do that? The world is such a large, vast place, so complicated now, and I am so small and useless. There nothing I can do. But God in his great wisdom said: Just build a better you.

Importance of Value Education

- Anonymous

The moral values present a true perspective of the development of any society or nation. They tell us to what extent a society or nation has developed itself. Values are virtues, ideals and qualities on which actions and beliefs are based. Values are guiding principles that shape our world outlook, attitudes and conduct. Values however are either innate or acquired. Innate values are our inborn divine virtues such as love, peace, happiness, mercy and compassion as well as the positive moral qualities such as respect, humility, tolerance, responsibility, cooperation, honesty and simplicity.

Acquired values are those external values adopted at your "place of birth" or "place of growth" and
are influenced by the immediate environment. Examples of acquired values are one's mode of dress, the way you bless, cultural customs, traditions, habits and tendencies.

The main causes of moral degeneration are:

- Lack of respect for the sanctity of human life.

- Breakdown of parental control of children in families

- Lack of respect for authority, seen through the brazen breaking of the law and

Total disregard for rules and regulations

- Crime and corruption

- Abuse of alcohol and drugs

- Abuse of women and children, and other vulnerable members of society.

- Lack of respect for other people and property.

To solve all these type problems it is necessary to know the main causes of the above problems. We know today children are tomorrow's citizens. If we give good education to the present day children, the future of the next generations will be well. My opinion education is the solution for all types of the problems. Now we are living in the modern century. If we use science and technology in the proper way it is not difficult for us to solve all the problems of the non-moral and value things.The main object of the study is to inculcate moral and value based education in schools and colleges and to know the attitude of intermediate students towards moral values. Gandhiji advised the inmates of Sabarmati Ashram on the practice of the following values in their day-
to-day life:

1. Ahimsa

2. Non-stealing

3. Non-possession

4. Swadeshi

5. Manual work

6. Fearlessness

7. Truth

8. Chastity

9. Equality of religion

10. Removal of untouchability

11. Control of palate

Important life goals and personal characteristics:

Life goals and Personal characteristics are very necessary for all types of persons in the society.

Life Goals:

- A world at peace (free of war and conflict)

- Freedom (independence, free choice)

- Wisdom (a mature understanding of life)

- Happiness (contentedness)

- An exciting life (a stimulating, active life)

- Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all)

- A comfortable life (a prosperous life)

- Self-respect (self-esteem, feeling good about yourself)

- Salvation (religiously saved, eternal life)

- Mature love (sexual & spiritual intimacy)

- Social recognition (respect, admiration)

- A sense of accomplishment (I've made a lasting contribution)

- Family security (taking care of loved ones)

- True friendship (close companionship)

- A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts)

- Inner harmony (freedom from inner conflict)

- Pleasure (an enjoyable, leisurely life)

- National security (protection from attack)

Personal Characteristics:

- Self-controlled (thinks first, restrained, self-disciplined)

- Honest (sincere, truthful, disclosing)

- Loving (affectionate, tender, caring)

- Ambitious (hard working, aspiring)

- Cheerful (lighthearted, joyful)

- Responsible (dependable, reliable)

- Independent (self-reliant, sufficient)

- Broad-minded (open-minded, able to see other viewpoints)

- Polite (courteous, well mannered)

- Forgiving (willing to pardon others)

- Intellectual (intelligent, reflective, knowledgeable)

- Helpful (working for the welfare of others)

- Obedient (dutiful, respectful)

- Capable (competent, effective, skillful)

- Logical (consistent, rational, aware of reality)

- Clean (neat, tidy)

- Imaginative (daring, creative)

- Courageous (standing up for your beliefs, strong)

Hogan (1973) believes that moral behavior is determined by five factors: (1) Socialization: becoming aware as a child of society's and parents' rules of conduct for being good. (2) Moral
judgment: learning to think reasonably about our own ethics and deliberately deciding on our own
moral standards. (3) Moral feelings: the internalization of our moral beliefs to the degree that we feel shame and guilt when we fail to do what we "should." (4) Empathy: the awareness of other people's situation, feelings, and needs so that one is compelled to help those in need. (5) Confidence and knowledge: knowing the steps involved in helping others and believing that one is responsible for and capable of helping.

Today we facing so many problems like terrorism, poverty and population problem. It is necessary to inculcate moral values in curriculum. Education is an effective weapon. Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it is his handsand at whom it is aimed. (Joseph Stalin)

Curricular Activities:

Due to liberalization, industrialization and globalization rapid changes are occurring in almost all social sciences. The value possessed and their attitudes according to the changes should be known up to date vast changes are occurring in the education. So called philosophical foundations of India are declining day to day with the country in a state of social turbulence, the goals and functions of formal education need to be reassessed and updated. Through education we can change the world.

- By giving a place for moral values in the curriculum.

- Moral values can be explained through stories and illustrations.

- Through poetry, novel and stories we can inculcate moral values in the students.

- Role play of a good story in the lesson.

- Educate students through posters, advertisements and dramatizations; those are all a part
in the curriculum.

- By introducing a course on moral values as a part of its Master Degree in Developmental

- Giving course training to students to develop moral values in the society.

- By educating citizen through direct contact by setting up local offices across the religion.

- First of all educate women in the society. Mother is the first teacher. Motivate every woman
to know about moral values through special course like "Gandhian Studies".





Importance of Value Education

Name:Naraginti Amareswar Reddy Father Name: N.M.Reddy Sex: Male Date of Birth: 10th Fed 1981 Ed Qua: M.Sc., M.Ed., research scholar in the dept. of education, sri venkateswara university, tirupati, India. e-mail ID: amareswaran@yahoo.co.in

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Positive Attitude: How To Have A Positive Attitude In 7 Simple Steps

Positive attitude is very important to being successful and happy.

Have you ever looked at people who always seem happy and enjoy life with envy and wish you
could be more like them? Have you ever said to yourself "Why is it that they are always so
popular and seem to attract everyone to them like a magnet?" Did you ever stop to think that it
might just be their positive attitude and the way they look at - and react to - the world around

Positive Attitude

Thinking and acting with a positive attitude can do more than anything else towards getting
you whatever you want out of life, because those who are in positions to make things happen for
you will want to be around you, and want to work with you to help make your dreams a reality.
Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even more enjoyable.

Positive Attitude: How To Have A Positive Attitude In 7 Simple Steps

Here are seven simple but powerful tips to having a more positive attitude - and thus
becoming a more powerful person.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life. Don't just make it through the day, live
it. Sink your teeth into it and live it like it was your last day on earth. Wring every moment
out of it and live each day with passion. Passion and a positive attitude are contagious. You
will find others attracted to you who are just as passionate about life and living.

2. Act instead of reacting. Don't wait until something bad happens then try to deal with it.
Be proactive and make something good happen. You are responsible for what you make of the life you
have, and you only have one, so don't waste it. Create the best life you possibly can, one day at
a time.

3. Believe that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Bad things happen. That
is a fact of life. but that doesn't mean you have to allow it to drag you down. Good can come
from everything, no matter how bad it may be at the time. Learn to open yourself up to learn
from, and gain strength from, the bad things that happen in your life. Learning to have a
positive attitude even when bad things are happening will help you to get through the bad times
even stronger and more determined to succeed.

4. Learn to always be grateful for what you have. It's a well-known fact among successful
people that having gratitude will get you more than never being satisfied. There's nothing wrong
with having dreams and goals and desiring more out of life, but don't forget to be grateful for
what you have already. Those who are never satisfied or grateful with what they have get into a
"needy" ot "poverty" mindset, where they think they never have have anything, and are doomed
to never having anything.

A positive attitude attracts positive actions. Gratitude attracts positive energy.

5. Seize every opportunity that you can instead of regretting it later. Now, whatever you
do, don't put yourself in the poorhouse or take food out of your childrens' mouths, chasing every
get-rich-quick scheme that comes around the corner. But don't be afraid to take opportunities
that feel right either. Successful people have taught themselves to have a sixth sense when it
comes to taking advantage of new opportunities.

6. Always keep your sense of humor. People like to be around those who find humor in even
the most awkward moments. Learn to laugh and you will be more positive, especiall if you can
learn to laugh at yourself. don't take yourself, or life, too seriously. Life is much too short
to waste it moping around in self pity. Humor is very attractive. A positive attitude can be born
from a strong sense of humor.

7. Believe that you are in charge of your destiny. No one can take your dreams from you
except for you. As long as there's still breath in your body, there is no limit to how much
can accomplish. Life is not something that is going on around you. It is what you make of it.
And even by doing nothing you are still creating your life, so why not get involved and create
a life you want and can enjoy?

Anyone who is truly successful, who enjoys life and has a life to be proud of, has a
positive attitude. If you use these seven steps to help you have a positive attitude, then you
too will have a life worth living.

Just remember, it all starts with learning to have a positive attitude.

Positive Attitude: How To Have A Positive Attitude In 7 Simple Steps

Let success coach Ken Harness lead you beyond self improvement to the next level - self empowerment.Subscribe to his free Self Improvement Newsletter today at http://www.getmotivatednow.com

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Friday, July 13, 2012

The Top 10 Steps to De-Stress

Do you feel tense and anxious at work? Do your co-workers and/or boss make you crazy? Is your personal life less than blissful? If so, you've got stress. If you're like most people you've sought refuge from this situation by trying a quick fix or two like calling a friend, walking the dog, or going away for the weekend in an attempt to escape it all. While these strategies may serve as temporary diversions, nothing in your life changes when you return to your routine.

Stress is internal, which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health. It feels awful...it's the sense that you're not in control. The easiest way to mitigate its effect is to take charge of the one and only thing you have the power to control...YOU, and let go of what you can't control. The beauty of this recipe is that by taking control of your life, external or outside things will change in response to your internal changes. Here are 10 steps to destress for your present and future:

Positive Attitude

1. Heal yourself.

The Top 10 Steps to De-Stress

Dr. Bruce McEwen, who wrote The End of Stress As We Know It, suggests that eliminating stress comes right from your grandmother's journal. He says the most effective steps you can take are the simplest: exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleep, moderate to minimal alcohol intake, and no smoking. This, he notes, is the most sophisticated, up to the minute, cutting edge science available!

2. Get organized.

Physical clutter reminds us of things that need to be done and that's stressful. Remove your physical clutter and you'll eradicate your mental clutter, plus you'll feel energized. The recipe for eliminating clutter is the same regardless of the room or space you're working on. In short, begin by defining the purpose of your room, then identify the major categories to be kept in your space, sort all your belongings into those categories, edit each category, and finally, put your possessions in a pleasing and practical place.

3. Set boundaries.

Boundaries act as a filter to keep you safe from the hurtful behavior of others while allowing in the love, support and nurturing actions we all need. Set your boundaries by: (a) determining what others cannot do to you or in your presence and (b) sharing this information respectfully with anyone who is stepping over one of your boundaries.

4. Take time for yourself.

Put together a list of all the things you love to do but haven't regularly made time to do. Put your list in priority order and enter the top five to seven items into your daily calendar. Your list may include things as simple as journaling, reading a great book, taking a bubble bath, yoga, etc. You'll be more successful getting to these activities when you give them a time and place on your calendar.

5. Be positive.

William James, the father of modern psychology said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind." In other words, what you say and what you tell yourself impact the present and create your future. Love yourself and use the power of positive words, pleasing thoughts and affirming beliefs to live the life you want to live.

6. Work in a career you love.

If you're like most people, you spend the majority of your waking hours at work. You'll know you're in the right profession when: you wake up anxious to go to work, you want to do your best daily, and you know your work is important.

7. Surround yourself with a supportive community.

You are who you spend time with. Hang out with people who love and accept you just the way you are, are interested in you (not what you can do for them), lift you up (not wear you down), solve problems quickly, don't gossip or complain, and know how to have fun. Anything is possible with the right support.

8. Learn to say, "No."

We've all been influenced by people in our life who tell us we should do this or we ought to do that. As a result, we may end up living a life that others have decided for us versus living the life we want. So, the next time you think of something you ought to do or someone else suggests you should do, take a breath and ask yourself if it's something you want to do. If not, just say, "no" or "no thank you." When you say no to things you don't care to do, you are saying yes to you and this will free up your time and energy for the things you choose to do. Bottom line - you'll be happier.

9. Zap tolerations.

A toleration is something that irritates you and drains your energy because it needs to be done, fixed, removed, or changed. If you're like most people you may be tolerating 100 or more things! Put together a list of all the things that bug you, e.g. a dripping faucet, money concerns, your weight, shopping and running errands, not enough time, computer files out of control, your hair, a room that needs to be painted, etc. When your list is complete, group like items and see if one solution will eliminate multiple tolerations. For example, if you have piles of clothing in each bedroom, dirty windows and dust bunnies on your floor, hiring a housekeeper will zap all three tolerations. Line up a housekeeper, today. Then, commit to spending a chunk of time each week to zap your other tolerations. If you have a toleration that you don't have the skill or know-how to fix, consider calling an expert or seek out a skilled professional to trade services with.

10. Get your needs met.

A "need" is not an option, it is something you must have to function fully. It is differentiated from a "want" in that a want is optional. Unmet needs can drive you to distraction and worse. Determine what needs you have that aren't being met, if any, and then take the appropriate action to get them fulfilled. Example: If you've taken a big hit and are going through a career transition, ask a good friend to call you two or three times a week to check in with you and give you support. Other options include calling your own voice mail and leaving supportive messages or hiring a coach who specializes in career transitions. When you acknowledge and satisfy your needs, you will be free to focus on other areas of your life.

If you want to be happier and more successful, focus on the things you have the power to control.

The Top 10 Steps to De-Stress

Pam N. Woods is co-author of a bestselling book, Create the Business Breakthrough You Want: Secrets and Strategies from the World's Greatest Mentors; endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Dr. Stephen Covey. She is a Coach U graduate and President of Smart WorkLife Solutions, a coaching and consulting company devoted to co-creating customized solutions to fit clients business and personal organizing needs. Prior to founding her own firm she had a successful 20+ year career as an insurance executive and Vice President of Human Resources. For more free how-to articles and advice, or to contact Woods, visit http://www.worklifecoach.com. Copyright 2004 - Pam Woods

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

5 Simple Tips To Prevent Shaky Nerves On The Day Of Your Practical Driving Test

Having been a DSA approved driving instructor for many years I am more than familiar with taking nervous pupils up to the driving test centre to take their very first practical driving test. Even the most able of pupils arrive at the test centre feeling uneasy or nervous.

This is a common feeling amongst the vast majority of candidates taking their practical test for the first time. In fact thinking back at my own experience some 15 years previous, I can remember going through the same set of emotions on the journey when accompanied by my instructor.

Positive Attitude

If I could go back in time, what advice would I have given myself in the days and months leading up to my practical driving test? I would first of all have to analyse my reasons for why I was actually so nervous?

5 Simple Tips To Prevent Shaky Nerves On The Day Of Your Practical Driving Test

I began taking driving lessons shortly after my memorable 17th birthday. The excitement of getting into the driving seat of a car for the first time was sufficient to lead me astray from my intended goal of actually passing my test. I would have one lesson a week with my instructor who also happened to be my neighbour. My father would pick up the bill for my driving lessons so I was not overly bothered about how many lessons it took me to reach the required level in order to pass the practical test.

Each lesson I would get into the driving seat of my instructors vehicle and just couldn't wait to experience the feeling of driving. I discovered that I actually enjoyed driving but didn't enjoy learning to drive according to the high standards set out by the DSA. A bad attitude is therefore the first reason I was poorly prepared and thus nervous for my first driving test.

When taking lessons with my instructor I remember there being a loose structured programme but generally I was allowed to drive without well needed supervision and guidance. In hind sight I might not have cared how many lesson I took to pass and from a financial perspective neither did my instructor. The second reason that I was nervous was that I had chosen a poor quality driving instructor who neither increased my confidence as a driver nor criticized me for my failings. I know it is easy for every student to blame their teacher for a poor result when in fact the problem lies within themselves. In my case it was a bit of both. So I should have found a driving instructor who provided the appropriate level of supervision which would be delivered in a fully structured programme that included briefings and debriefs.

Although I often requested that a member of family take me out for private lessons, my father was far too busy and would give me the odd lesson here and there. These lessons were actually vital to my performance as I later learnt. When you are in a car with a friend or family member without the use of duel controls you are inclined to be much more alert. If not to impress them then because you understand that one false move could risk both your lives. You are put in a position where you have to take serious control of the car and not be in passenger mode as I like to call it. So comes the third mistake which was insufficient number of hours of private practice.

Most pupils are happy to bin their Highway Code book straight after they have passed their theory test. It is however vital to be able to transfer your knowledge to the practical part of the test. You may think that the Highway Code is just a boring set of rules and laws but its far more than that and should become something you adhere to the rest of your driving career. This was my forth mistake, completely separating my theory test knowledge from my practical driving test.

My fifth and final mistake was probably the most crucial of them all. It is absolutely fundamental to the outcome of your first driving test or any test for that matter, to know what is actually required and expected of you during the test. I had turned up to the test centre like a huge number of candidates with absolutely no idea what skills the examiner expected from me and how I was supposed to demonstrate those skills. No surprise then, I was unsuccessful at my first attempt. So before even thinking about booking your driving test, avoid my fifth mistake and make sure you are fully informed in what is expected of you on the day of your driving test. The form DL25C (Driving Test Report) is readily available from your instructor or from the internet. Carefully look though the assessment sheet long before your test date and ensure you fully understand how your test is marked.

A brilliant minded driving instructor once told me that "some students need to fail that first test, just to get them through the nerves of the second test" Having been a driving instructor now for many years I know that there is a clear distinction between being nervous because your anxious about the test and being nervous because you are completely unprepared for your driving test.

Which category do you chose to fall into?

5 Simple Tips To Prevent Shaky Nerves On The Day Of Your Practical Driving Test

For more information on this topic and to access translations of the driving theory test and the practical driving tests in Turkish, Chinese, Polish, Arabic, Bengali, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu & Gujarati visit [http://successfuldriver.com/]

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Friends' Influence - The Effect Our Friends' Attitudes Have on Us and How to Avoid Bad Influences

When you start changing be aware of your friends' influence. You may not realise to what extent friends may influence you. When you are with your friends, try to observe what words they use in conversation and what their general attitude towards life is.

I remember when I started changing and became more aware of how people behave, I realised that 99% of my friends were always using negative words and their lives were nowhere to the standard I was reaching. That was a real eye-opener to me. I understood that if I kept hanging out with such people I would have ended up exactly where all of them were - in circumstances that were mediocre, where 97% of the society found themselves in.

Positive Attitude

If your friends, when asked how they are, say 'not bad' or, even worse, start complaining about their daily disasters - run as fast as you can from them!

Friends' Influence - The Effect Our Friends' Attitudes Have on Us and How to Avoid Bad Influences

By the way, this applies to your family as well. If your family members are negative, think of themselves as victims and moan all the time, you would be much better off just going on vacation or just moving out - if you can. When you become successful and bad attitudes do not affect you any more - you would be able to see them as often as you can. But if you are still in the process of changing, avoid negative people at all costs. The more you eliminate negative influences, the quicker you will become successful. People influence us more then the environment, but so few of us really realise that.

If you really cannot go away from negative family members, try this: whenever your mother (or some other family member or relative) says something negative, think that her parents (your grandparents) were moaning all the time, so she just became the same as her parents. She unconsciously took all their complaints as truth and that's why she does not think that complaining is bad for her and others.

This attitude will make you a bit more resilient to their influence as you will understand where they are coming from.

When you really think about it, it works like some kind of never ending story: child is born - he overtakes bad influences from parents - he grows up and raises his own kids - they overtake his bad attitude towards life - they raise their kids... Scary!

If 100% of your friends are negative, you are better off just being alone for some time. Positive people will come to you as soon as your attitude becomes positive - I guarantee you this.

It is also true that when your attitude changes, people with bad attitude will start falling off you and negative environment in general will change to a positive one. This is the case because the old you attracted negative environment because you were negative, and now as you change everything around you start changing - The Law of Attraction in action! I do not mean that many good things will start physically forming themselves in your present environment, it is more likely that you will get an opportunity to change your current environment or something unexpected will happen that cause the change to take place.

It is very exciting to undergo such change and please let me know by emailing me about what happened to you whilst changing your attitudes! I really enjoy reading all the emails I get from my readers.

Always try to remember: great attitude always creates great future!

Friends' Influence - The Effect Our Friends' Attitudes Have on Us and How to Avoid Bad Influences

Simona Rich is a success mentor that gives advice about self improvement and goal-setting. Her website http://www.SimonaRich.com is full of free articles and great tips about creating better future, wealth, positive thinking and other self-help resources.

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