Monday, February 25, 2013

Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing

1. Remember that your thoughts create your destiny. Recognize your own power to create your life.

2. Stop worrying. Often by worrying we feel like we are "doing" something about a problem when we aren't. When we worry we are in the past or in the future. By staying in the present we can actually problem-solve the situation as it actually exists.

3. Don't believe in defeat. Unexpected opportunities often come with what initially seem like negative outcomes or mistakes . Also, when you feel defeated, make a list of the factors that are supportive of you, rather than focusing on those that are against you.

Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing

4. Stop all those little negatives because they grow in to large ones. Use thought stopping and the steps toward changing your negative self-talk.

5. Name what is blocking your positive thoughts. What prevents you from thinking positive all the time?

6. Examine each of your core beliefs in terms of how it operates in your life. Make a commitment to yourself to eliminate the ones that cause you distress or problems.

7. Focus on the present. Your energy is drained by regretting the past and worrying about the future. Stay grounded in the here-and-now where it is easier to actually problem-solve the real situations.

8. When faced with a problem, focus on possible solutions and the resources that you do have. Brainstorm. What are the many options available, not just the black-and-white solutions or obvious ones?

9. Take self-responsibility. Stop blaming others for your unhappiness. Recognize the consequences of your choices.

10. Identify your personal definition of success. This helps you decide which path you want to take and to know when you have arrived at your goal. Your definition of success will be unique to you. No one else can define it for you.

11. Fill your life with positive supportive people. Allow their positive opinion of you in. Don't block them because their opinions do not fit your image of yourself. What is the worse thing that could happen if you thought positive thoughts about yourself? You might actually feel more energetic and motivated and have more fun!

12. Avoid draining your energy by focusing on the past and looking at mistakes that have already been made. Focus on the lesson learned and not on the mistake. What can you learn from the choice you made, whether it was a good choice or not?

13. Express your appreciation and positive feelings toward others. Say thank you when they complete simple daily tasks. Avoid draining your energy focusing on what they didn't or haven't done.

14. When feeling overwhelmed by change, make a list of what is staying the same and what is not changing. What do you already know? What can you keep doing the same as before?

15. Acknowledge out loud your positive traits and successes. Question why it is considered conceited or arrogant to talk about what you do well.

16. Keep a gratitude journal. Each night before bed list three things that you are grateful for that day. Some days it may simply be that you are grateful that the day is finally over!

17. Work at being content with who you are rather than pleasing others by wearing your social mask. When you wear a mask and try to be everything to everyone it can be exhausting. There is no space left for you. Also, I find that in order to please everyone I would have to keep switching masks for each new person because everyone will want something different.

18. Ask yourself: "How do I manufacture my own unhappiness?"

19. Keep asking yourself what is really important. In five years how much will this really matter?

20. Brainstorm a list of what makes you happy. Direct your attention to what pleases you. How can you allow or create more of this in your life?

21. Practice random acts of kindness.

22. Suspend judgment of yourself and others. Practice self-acceptance and acceptance of others. What does judging yourself or someone else achieve? Acceptance does not mean never changing. However, you cannot change what you don't recognize or accept you are doing.

23. Affirm and reaffirm your assets. List ten achievements you have obtained over the last 5 years. It could be finding a new job, taking a course, learning a new skill or changing your attitude.

24. Trust your intuition. Your intuition is that "gut feeling" or that hunch. It is your inner self speaking to you.

25. Create a home environment that is pleasing and nurturing to you.

26. Work at a job that energizes you.

27. Slow down. Learn to respond, rather than react.

28. Our own attitude is often what we see reflected in others. People in our lives act as mirrors to allow us to see ourselves more clearly. If you are surrounded by negative people, take a look at yourself. How might these people be a reflection of your own attitude? Similarly, as you become more positive you will attract more positive people to you. Initially though, as you become more positive the negative people in your life may escalate their negatively in order to try to pull you back in. Remember it is not your job to change them. Focus your energy on being more positive and creating more positive energy in your own life.

Which 5 of these suggestions will you commit to focusing on over the next 6 months?

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Positive Impact of Strategic Thinking and Planning on Your Success

What is strategic thinking? Strategic thinking is a somewhat complex statement. For a better understanding of what it means, first consider what strategic planning is. Strategic planning is a process of analysis and declaration, usually used by companies to focus their goals and directives. Strategic planning focuses on strategy, direction and decision-making. Before an organization could plan for its future, it would first have to examine its own strengths, weaknesses, threats and well as a summary of its political, economic, social and technological missions. The primary objective of strategic planning is not merely analysis, but the formal consideration of an organization's future course.

How does strategic planning differ from strategic thinking? There are some subtle differences that should be reviewed. Strategic thinking is not as detailed as strategic planning. Strategic thinking implies predicting a general "shape" of what the future might bring; i.e., financial trends or significant political events. Strategic planning would plan for the future and in tremendous detail. Of course, nobody can predict the future and so strategic planning would center more on predicting organizational performance rather than social outcomes. There are also more subtle differences. In strategic thinking, managers understand the entire system including all functioning units. With strategic planning, some management personnel may be kept in the dark, only being taught how to fulfill their role. The best way to understand the difference is that strategic thinking seems to favor a more effective operation, whereas strategic planning focuses on efficiency.

Both systems are recommended for a variety of reasons. A company leader must have a clear direction of where his or her company is going. Just as an individual sets short-term goals, so the leaders in an organization must continue to set goals and directives on a continuing basis. Whether you own your own business, are progressing in your career, or are seeking strategy for some other aspect of life, you should be putting forth effort to become a better strategic thinker. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

The Positive Impact of Strategic Thinking and Planning on Your Success

Tips To Become a Better Strategic Thinker

Every strategy starts with a vision, a vision of success, both in the long-term and short-term picture. Strategists are not afraid of failure but look forward to learning from experience. You will always be learning, no matter how long you live. All of the experience that you accumulate should help you to improve strategic thinking. The best strategists use both strategic thinking and planning to their advantage, managing their time efficiently, even while focusing in on details as much as possible. Try and remember this simple fact: time is more costly than money. Money comes and goes but you can never get wasted time back.

Becoming a better strategic thinker requires that you modify your thinking so that you can be more observant of what is happening around you. Most strategic thinkers have a very high level of awareness and are careful to take in as much information as possible. The more you know about the past and present the more you can predict the future. This is what strategic thinking is all about. It is also important that you stay patient. Staying patient doesn't mean that you have to control your enthusiasm or refrain from taking risks. Actually, the more short-term goals that you create, the better off you will be. You should also be encouraged to consider more risks as this can help you get over your fears of taking decisive action. Short-term goals keep individuals motivated and confident. At the same time, you need patience to help keep your upcoming goals moving you toward your dreams and keep your long-range mission in check.

Why Great Strategies Fail

All of these tips can help you to formulate a great strategy. However, there is no guarantee that your brilliant strategic plan will work. This is why you are advised to never risk more than you have to lose, especially when starting out in business. Often times, you will miscalculate if you are trying to strategize for a potential outcome. As previously mentioned, you cannot predict the future with 100% accuracy, no matter how much planning you do, and no matter who you are.

A miscalculation could also be due to an error in your strategy. Some of the most common errors result from simple planning mistakes. For instance, a failure to understand the client or targeted client could be responsible for a poor marketing campaign. The company may over-estimate their resources or even the competence of their staff to handle a complicated project. A lack of organization may be responsible for an unsuccessful campaign. There could even be problems with time management, with employee education, or with poor overall communication.

If this has happened don't let it discourage you. Use every setback as a learning experience and strategize so that the next endeavor is monumentally successful. I'm sure you have heard the expression, "learn from your mistakes." As we move forward and make progress on our journey, we will have many experiences to learn from. Use them to your advantage.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Being a Positive Leader - How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

What is one of the most important tools a leader can have? Extensive training, a handful of certificates, or an impressive resume maybe? Surprisingly, all these things pale in comparison to one tool no leader should be without, a positive mental attitude.

That's right, having a positive mental attitude determines how you experience your life. In turn, it determines how you behave as a leader, and the influence you have on others. We have talked before about smiling and the positive to negative ratio - so this information shouldn't come as a surprise to you. The underlying message behind all those tips we enjoy sharing with you, is to have the right mental attitude.

When you smile, you make others happy. When you concentrate on being the positive factor in your team's day, their productivity goes up. When you seek out good things to say about others, you will find more good things about them. This is not coincidental. This is the power of being positive.

Being a Positive Leader - How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

I know sometimes that can seem like an impossible task. With all the worries and stresses of today, staying positive might not be at the top of your to do list. You hear everyone speak of the down economy, you watch horrors on the news, and you may have lay-offs or shut-downs in your company. I am certainly not saying staying positive isn't a challenge sometimes. However, as leaders . . . should we not rise to the challenge? You don't need to be unrealistically upbeat, just try to remember that you can affect a lot more than you think by adjusting your perception.

Your attitude has the power to not only lift you up or pull you down, but affect your team in the same way. Look for the positives in situations. Remember, as the saying goes, you need "to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can". You simply need the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Try hard to focus on only the things you can directly influence. Work at making a positive difference on those things. Every day seek out new ways to keep yourself positive and new positive people to be around.
Remember, "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." What good will you find today?

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Leanne Crain is a Marketing and Administrative Assistant for the business consulting company BizXcel which publishes Generating Greatness, the bi-weekly ezine for business professionals. If you are ready to push your business to new heights, make more money, save time and improve productivity, then get your FREE tips now at

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